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Boulder, CO
Hello to all,

Got back into diving and still a rookie. Found this site last night while doing research to accelerate my knowledge in this area.

Wife and I will be diving in BVI in a few months and I would like some additional books recommended by anyone for our reading.

Great site, incredible experience to draw from.

Welcome aboard! As to books go to and type in a search for scuba. I can personally recommend the Last Dive and the one about diving on the Andrea Doria. Chock full of knowledge and adventure. Good Luck!
Glad you were able to return to diving. You'll find good info here.

I too am back diving after a lengthy surface interval. You'll find the group to be very helpful and full of advice.

One book I like is: Caribbean Diver's Guide by Peter Vine. I found it online and it's very helpful with all sorts of great info about most of the popular Caribbean dive sites.
Thanks for the advice, I'll check out the books suggested.

I know I'll have many questions with all the new hardware and computers. Where shall I start......see ya in the other areas.

A warm greeting from TGWN - Canada that is.

Welcome to the neighbourhood!
Hi and welcome from Wisconsin. I've read and enjoyed .Neutral Bouyancy , Rapture of the Deep, and Down Time. and

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