Association of Costa Rica Dive Professionals

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CR Under The Blue

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Guanacaste Costa Rica
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Profile InfoJoin Date: Jul 2007
Location: Guanacaste Costa Rica
Logged Dives: 3,000+

StatsPosts: 3

The first dive association hase been formed in Costa Rica, in the north west Pacific
of CR. The 6 dive shops in the area formed this as of June 07. They are dedicated to
the protection of the marine area and to keep the highest standards.
Please look for the CRDP logo on the door of the shops and you will know you are diving​
Heya, you and I frequently pass one another here on the board. :) I do believe I mentioned, I was quite pleased with the formation of the association. I do hope this will help in "getting the word out" about CR. I see people still going to Roatan or Utila and just can't figure out why, when CR has sooooooo much more. I've tried speaking to Mau, Lisa, and Bobbi about being more active on the board, as it is a great tool in educating people about the area and what they are really missing out on. Anyway, feel free to pm me with any assistance you may need here on the board. I am always happy to get the word out about this magnificent treasure known as Costa Rica :D

I couldn't agree more MissD. The association of dive shops will help bring attention to the area. The Pacific North West of CR is an extremely nice place, for diving or just touring. I was there on my 4th trip in June. I dive with Diving Safaris because that's who I started with, they run a good show and I tend to gravitate to Hermosa, so it's very convenient. Dove with Bobbi Jo and her daughter Kelly at Catalina, very good dives, although the thermoclines were intense for a little pansy like myself. Glad I had my 3mil full suit. Stayed in the Mangaby Hotel. 4 people in a 2 bedroom efficiency, kitchen, dining room & veranda for $100 a night. The hotel is nice, pool, bar and plenty of parking for our rental car. (Something I just found out on this trip. By paying for the rental car with my Visa card, Visa insured me. Amazing, thanks Visa) The dive shop is a couple hundred yards from Mangaby and less from the dive shop to the water. Good restaurants and Coco is 10 minutes away, if you want night life and more restaurants. I also did some fishing with a good local boat recommended to me by a friend. is their link. Caught a bunch of tuna and had a sailfish but lost it. All fish were put back, CR and it's people are very eco-minded. All together a great trip. I'll be back.

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