Arr matey, carve it into my Skin!

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Anne Bonny

Resident Pirate
Reaction score
Avast, ya scurvy knave! Brave be ye, for certain, but arrr ye willin' ta die fer the privilege of sailin' the Caribbean wiv the likes of me and plunder rich merchant vessels?

Here's how: select Group Preferences and choose Pirate or Wench. Make it the displaygroup as well or I'll be keelhaulin' every last one of ye!

Savvy, ya wannabe freebooter?
Avast thar ye mateys, I hopes dat you be trainin yore tongue to be talkin like a scurvy pirate in the mornin'.

This be our day!
so you're telling me you can get this to work, but I still can't edit my dive info?

Seriously now!
Hmm can't get the pirate thing to work...
Arrr. :pirate1:

You doing right matey!
I thin kie we should auto-trrranslate e'errry sin'le post into pirrrate gibbrrrish!
Arrr me mateys! I be talking like a pirate!
:w-t-f: :rofl3: :w-t-f: :rofl3:

:popcorn: I seriously need to catch this thread in the morning after me first matey walks the plank fer tryin da make me his wench. :arrr:
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