Arizona License Plate Frames

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I'm a Fish!
I know this isn't about diving, but I also know there are a lot of folks who have frames from their favorite LDS. Beginning today, it's a $130 fine if you have a license plate frame that obscures any part of the word "Arizona" at the top of the license plate. A lot of frames cut off the top part of the word -- that's considered obscuring. I was laughing as I walked out of the Sport Chalet and saw literally hundreds of frames hanging on the wall.

Glendale is issuing warnings for the first 30 days.

Law targets license-plate frames that obscure 'Arizona'


Already took a razor and dremel to mine and Nancy's plate frame.
Here comes some ranting:
Just another way for the state to raise some extra funds. Just like all the new cameras on the roads.
Funny thing about politians that all are in favor of growth but when a gov't grows so does it's expenses. This causes a need for more money to be raised.
With this growth and the responsibilty for the new financial resources the politicians seem to feel they are justified to get a raise in pay for themselves.
Some how I think if it isn't broken you shouldn't fix it. Nice areas would stay nice without the growth. I'm all in favor of fixing the flaws and then getting back to the status quo.
Lets keep it simple!
No new shopping centers without 95% occupancy of existing ones.
No new housing without water resources to handle the population even during extended periods of drought.
No raping natural resources at the cost of wildlife whether on land or in the seas.
All these things are allowed by politicians in the name of growth and economics.
They really don't improve our quality of life.
So why do we allow our elected officials to carry on selling us out for big business?
Ok anyone else want to use my soapbox now?
It's advice that even lawmakers need to hear. On Tuesday, half the 26 vehicles in the Arizona Senate parking lot bore frames obscuring the word "Arizona."

Anybody expect there'll be mass ticketing at the Senate parking lot tomorrow?

More likely some state-paid employee will be fixing them at our expense...
Maybe as citizens we should call in to the local police and have them meet us at the senate parking lot and insist on them issuing tickets to each driver who's car is in violation as it leaves the lot.
I have to agree with your points on here. I think before getting a ticket being given a screw driver to remove it would be fair but I don't think you should be pulled over just because of the plate holder and no other violation.
You can't legally be pulled over for not wearing seat belts. It requires police to have another reason to pull you over so they can issue a seat belt ticket. This new law however allows police to pull you over and issue a ticket on it's violation alone. This new law will be used as an excuse to look for other violations.

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