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Buffalo Psychiatric Center - Old Richardson Asylum

Was a mental asylum started back in the late 1870's, So you can imagine what happened to the people back then. I am guessing lots of tortured souls. I have heard some freaky stories.

This place is a block away from me and it is on the list. Very Scary. It's abandoned, but last year my friend owns a construction company and he called me because they were working on the building. He told me to meet him there so I did, and he took me on a little tour. It just made my hair on the back of my neck stand up. In the basement all the electro-shock stuff is still down there and old wooden wheelchairs, it's like something out of a horror movie. I will never step foot in there again, something just doesn't feel right about the place.
My sister seems to be a magnet for all sorts of weird stuff happening. I'm not sure if it's due to where she lives - both the house she used to live in and the house she currently lives in are either next door or built on top of old graveyards.

She tells me things and freaks me out. I'm not sure I want to house sit for her anymore when she travels. :wink:
I attended my first two years of college at Marion Military Institute in the small town of Marion, Alabama. The school was founded in 1842 as Howard College, and then the faculty decided to move. People who were tied to the school did not want the location to close, and so formed Marion Military Institute, and it has been there since. The chapel on campus is the centerpiece of the school, and is the oldest building there. It was constructed by wealthy plantation owners through slave labor. During the Civil War, it was captured by the Union and served as a makeshift hospital - Breckenridge Army Hospital - until the Civil War ended. One particular note - the hospital treated both Union and Confederate soldiers without reprise. The school also suffered from some barracks fires. One of the most noble persons in town was a slave, and he first saw the building burning, rushed in to wake up all the boys in the barracks, but suffered from smoke inhalation and was killed in the fire. He now has the largest grave in the Marion Cemetary.

One night my second year there, my brother, my friend, and I were sitting in my room up late past lights-out, just talking and hanging out. Suddenly there was a knock on my door, so we figured it was the night guard making the rounds, saw our light on, and decided to tell us to go to bed. However, when we opened the door, nobody was there. Our next guess was someone knocked and hid in an adjacent room. A few minutes later, we heard footsteps coming down the hallway, and knew that someone was going to knock on my door again. Sure enough, the knock came, and when my brother got up, opened the door, nobody was there. Well, we heard the footsteps coming, but didn't hear any leave when my brother got up to answer the door. At that point, we still thought it was a class mate playing a prank on us. So my brother decided to hold the door shut without locking it this time, and after about five minutes of us talking some more, we heard the footsteps coming down the hallway. This time we were ready for the prankster, so when the first knock on my door came, my brother flew open the door, but NOBODY was there!!! (I get goosebumps everytime I tell this story!) That school had more hauntings than anywhere else I have ever been to. I hoped you enjoy the read, all of this is true, I was there, I got freaked out!
Let me just be the first to say .... Thanks A lot Colin! I'm certain to sleep just great now knowing about all the creepy stuff that has happened right here in my area... thanks...... :51:
A very interesting website, fun to read about the different haunted places. There are quite a few in FL and I'm sure other places as well!

Very interesting site—never realised that my alma mater in Providence, RI, had so many supernatural residents. Unfortunately, I’m now haunted by Colin’s avatar (the gentleman with the very large crucifix)...
i love the entry for Cedar Key on that site:

Cedar Key - the whole island is haunted - There are a lot of presences here; just about every business in town has more than one ghost. Some are from the Seminole war.

i've been to Cedar Key tons of times, this is good to know :11:

i grew up in Cuba (in the middle of the north coast, a place called Caibarien).
we lived in a an old Spanish townhouse (with a courtyard) built back in the
1700's, and... eveyrbody said our place was haunted.

well... i sure did hear a lot of weird stuff, but i never did see anytyhing.

the only thing i "saw" was the following:

at the back of the house, there was a passageway were the old carriage house and stables had been. the door that led out of the carriage house (now gone) was our "back" door. the "alley" which led from the carriage house to the street had been partly roofed, so it was now the left side of the kitchen. the rest of the "alley" leading to the street was part now part of the inner courtyard and then it "dead ended" in an extension of the living room which was built when that part of the alley was roofed over.

anyway... the thing was, my room was right next to the kitchen, and one night,
my sister, my mom, and i were sitting on my bed coloring, when all of a sudden
the kitchen door got BANGED real hard, like someone had just slammed it with
a lot of strength. we all freaked out (i was about 10 then)

my grandfather came out, opened the door to the backyard, looked around. nothing.

a few days later, same thing. we were sitting at the kitchen table, and WHAM!!
i mean, that kitchen door nearly fell off its hingers, and it was a huge, two-level,
solid wood stable door.

this time, my grandfather was right there, and he rushed out, opened the door,
nothing... no one was there.

well... this went on for a while. i couldn't sleep. then, it just stopped happening.
it happened all together five or six times over a period of about a year.

anyway... some guy in the neighborhood said that there was a story that a long
time back (in the early 1900's) there was a huge fire in our stable, and that many
horses were burnt because they couldn't get out.

so he said that what we were hearing was a horse slamming into the door trying
to escape the fire.

real freaky... i don't have any explanation for it
Firebrand, Andy... excellent stories man... thats just spooky. The only real story I have that spooked me, not so much then, but later down the road I was driving on was just south of Bartow, FL one evening while driving home from Lakeland, I drove through a figure walking on the road. It was what appeared to be a weathered man in his mid-40's to early 50's and he looked over his shoulder at the last moment when I was doing the "OH......" and ziiipppp" right through the hood and about the passenger seat he disappeared... Considering he appeared what seemed like 50' in front of me out of no where I thought he had stepped onto the road and since I was traveling at 60mph the distance closed very fast and I had virtually no time to react. I think about it every time I drive through hoping that it occurs again so I know I didn't just have a super active imagination while driving..
I have another story concerning Marion, AL. The year after I left Marion, I returned for Alumni Weekend in April. After things at the school had quieted down, my friends and I decided to head to a remote spot just outside of town and do some star gazing and tell stories. It was around midnight or so and we started telling ghost stories. We were sitting at a "T" in the road, facing into an open field where some cattle were grazing. As we progressed telling our ghost stories, we heard what sounded like marching troops off in the distance, directly in front of us. Our conversation suddenly stopped, and we heard the "troops" move closer, then as quickly as the sound appeared, it disappeared. Well, we figured it was nothing, and returned to telling ghost stories, and a few minutes later, we heard the "troops" get closer and closer, but still at a reasonable distance. Again, the conversation stopped, and we turned on the lights to the vehicles and all the cattle had left the area! Well, we figured we had heard the cattle moving and that there wasn't anything there, so we continued telling some more ghost stories. Well, the marching continued until it was about 100 yards in front of us. At that point, we all decided to jump in the cars and "get the heck out of Dodge!" We never did see anything, but we all felt a large presence there. I haven't been back to that spot since, and I tried to do some research about a lost Civil War battalion around that area, but to no avail.

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