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Huh, and to think all this time I thought it was like "shark tooth divers" but for whale bones. :wink:
Could you imagine a dude climbing out of the ocean with a whale's dork in his hands? Creepy. :D
If I got on to a dive boat full of guys that swore at the dock that they were "just recreational" divers and then geared up in CCRs, wreck reels, extra bottles and scooters, I'd be PO'd, because that is not the right boat for me, even if none of them are getting paid to dive.

Who cares what other people are doing as long as they aren't screwing up the Rec diver's dives. Do your dives and don't worry about what the other guys are doing. It IS possible to dive recreational profiles on a CCR you know.
Who cares what other people are doing as long as they aren't screwing up the Rec diver's dives. Do your dives and don't worry about what the other guys are doing. It IS possible to dive recreational profiles on a CCR you know.

I like the way that you think. I have dove off of boats with guys in CCRs and all kinds of crazy stuff. I do my thing, and they do theirs. It's not like you can just book a boat charter for a 300 foot trimix dive and nobody is going to say anything to you when tell them that you are going to bring an aluminum 80 and a jacket BC.
Is this an Advanced Scuba Discussion then? :D I would call myself a scuba diver that is certified for decompression diving.

I got certified for decompression diving with my YMCA basic OW. They had these tables with 60 ft for 60 mins, 70 ft for 50 minutes etc. If you stayed longer the tables showed you how long you had to stay at 20 ft and how long you had to stay at 10 ft before you could surface.:D
I got certified for decompression diving with my YMCA basic OW. They had these tables with 60 ft for 60 mins, 70 ft for 50 minutes etc. If you stayed longer the tables showed you how long you had to stay at 20 ft and how long you had to stay at 10 ft before you could surface.:D

They still make those my friend, they are called The U.S. Navy air tables. :cool2: I know you know this, so I am really singing to the choir.:wink:
Who cares what other people are doing as long as they aren't screwing up the Rec diver's dives. Do your dives and don't worry about what the other guys are doing. It IS possible to dive recreational profiles on a CCR you know.

It was just an attempt to make the point that calling dives beyond the AOW envelope "recreational" is poor communication.

Everything comes out during dive planning, but it's nice to know what a potential buddy has in mind well ahead of time. I don't care what other divers do, with one exception: whoever I am with.

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