Aquarena Springs Diving

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25 - 49
Can anyone here tell me about what's involved in the course. I heard it was fairly easy?

Also, has anyone ever volunteered and been turned down?

My dive buddies and I are looking to do the Diving for Science course and help out and I was just wanting details from people who've done it.

The course is fairly easy. You are in the classroom for about 4 hours. After lunch, you complete a dive in the training area where you demonstrate buoyancy and other skills that they feel are necessary for science divers. That evening, you are taken on an underwater tour of Spring Lake where the instructor demonstrates techniques for cleaning the springs. On Sunday you do another dive in the lake where you and your buddy actually go and clean an assigned site.

I've never heard of anyone being refused. perhaps if you should up with a speargun or in some other way showed that you were a threat to the site. I'm sure some people have been later barred for failing to obey the rules. One condition stands for minors. From they can only dive with a parent or guardian in the water with them.
Thanks for the info!

Mack Diver:
I've never heard of anyone being refused. perhaps if you should up with a speargun or in some other way showed that you were a threat to the site.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I mean have you ever called up to volunteer to dive and they said no (other than the lake being closed because of water levels).
Personally have never been refused when I wanted to go, they are even great about pairing me up with another buddy/group when I go by myself, and you can dive in groups of 2-4.

The class is not hard at all, as long as you have basic buoyancy skills. The classroom part has about 4 written tests, which are quite easy as long as you pay attention.

The buoyancy test is 4 parts. One you swim through 3 hoops, then hover and touch down onto 2 big clam shells without stirring up too much silt. Move on to a PVC grid where you pick up a 3lb weight and move it to the other side without touching the ground. Finally swim under a 3 foot pvc "cage". All simple stuff, I took it when I had only 14 dives total, and passed with no problems. Even if you don't pass, you're free to come back and retake the class (no charge), or just come and practice the course.
What the others have said is right on. It's a fun, very informative and enlightening course. Of course, it's also some of the most unique diving in Texas (really great vis--WOO-HOO!). That said, I know of no time when a diver was turned down for volunteer work, other than when a special event was scheduled, conditions were shaky, or there were problems that prevented diving at all.
One thing, though...when you are doing a volunteer dive, be CERTAIN to check in with the lake supervisor and STICK TO THE PLAN. Remember that there is no "recreational" diving in the San Marcos Springs (Aquarena). All dives are part of the maintenance plan and this is by State and Federal law. They'll get very cranky if you deviate from the dive plan and visit parts of the lake you are not supposed to be in. Play by the rules, and you'll have a great time and they'll invite you back.
Haha!! They actually make you wear those?

Nice pics :)

Thanks all for the replies. We'll hopefully be taking the course in October.
yeah, but only if you're out in the lake. FWIW, it's easier to get in & out of those skins if you put the zipper in front. :wink:

Now that's just mean.:dork2:
When we went the week after yall, they had so many holes in them, that we ended up tying half the suit around out waist and putting one arm or leg through. Were yall Mexican wrestling to get them off, maybe? :wink:

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