AquaLung Regs

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Anyone have input on the Titan XLC regs? Good or junk?
The Titan XLC is simple and bulletproof for regular recreational diving. It isn't environmentally sealed so if you're going ice diving I'd look at something else.
My instructor keeps around several Titan regs as loaners. He also recommends these regs to his OW / AOW students that are looking for a good, safe, inexpensive regulator for rec diving.

The Titans are:
1) relatively compact
2) very durable
3) servicable just about anywhere around the world
4) inexpensive

IMHO, the Titans are not junk. But, of course, there are better regulators out there. Everyone would agree that the Apeks ATX200 is a far superior regualtor, but for $650 (as opposed to $170 for the Titan), it had better be.

I've dove my instructor's Titans for about 4 months, before I made up my mind and purchased my own regs (Mares V16). My Mares reg does breathe noticably easier than the Titan, but, I don't think I have gained any significant bottom time as a result.
Got my Titan to replace stolen old US Divers reg that worked like a swiss watch. The titan works like a Chinese watch; ok for now, cheap enough I think I'll get my $'s worth, but not what I really hoped for.
My wife and I both started with Titan regs but when we decided to take to purchase pony bottles we switched to Apeks TX-50's for our main regs and moved the Titans to the ponies. Keep in mind that I trust the Titan enough to have it as my last-ditch, must work to save my life reg. Our instructor also dives Apeks as his primaries but has Titans on his deco and stage bottles. The XLC was brought to market after Aqua Lung bought APeks and it does have some of the same features as the Apeks regs. If your diving is typical recreational diving (no cold water or extreme deep dives) then the Titan/XLC combo is a great one.
that is a great idea; to use the Titan for a safe-second. I was just going to use it as a trade in, but it really isn;t awful; it just aint my old US DIvers.

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