What you've read is a misstatment.By best I mean the one that makes the most sense. Ive read that if you put on a different octo from the legend on the Legend first stage you can have issues with free flow... I Guess in a nut shell im just trying to figure out if I just go for the Legend LX octo or is there better choice - or is there a less expensive choice that will be as equally suitable.
The key to free flows is a combination of the Intermediate Pressure (IP) from the first stage, and the cracking pressure of the octo. Too high an IP, and the octo will free flow. Octo adjusted wrong or a bad seat and it will free flow.
The IP is usually around 140 psi, plus or minus about 5 psi.
Almost ALL first and second stages can work with each other if they both adjusted correctly. Honestly, buying an AquaLung octo new is not a guarantee that it is adjusted correctly, and getting something back from service is especially not a guarantee. This is one reason not to get the cheapest octo; one with an adjustable cracking pressure allows you to match things better with no special tools and knowledge.
Again, there is no need to brand-match, other than personal aesthetics. Save money by buying yoru octo used, just be aware it may need adjustment, or even service.
It sounds like you don't believe any of this, and really want to buy a new AqualLung octo, and just want to be assured it is not a dumb thing to do. Fine, but you'll spend more than you need to spend.