Has anyone been back recently to see what the state is of the sink?
MOD EDIT at poster's request: The sinkhole area I visited was about 15-20 feet deep, compared to the original 30. This appeared to be the only sinkhole of any kind whatsoever in the area. What appeared to be a sinkhole had been completely filled in.
For anybody still wanting to go, I parked in front of 4802 Anton Ave, and walked to an open vehicle access point in front of 4611 Anton. There were 3 extremely vandalized warning signs that were totally unreadable, so I figured that would be my 'get out of jail free card' if busted.
However, I received information today from 2 different sources. The first, telling me the coordinates I'd received were off by ~700 feet (and definitely searching in the wrong patch of woods). Secondly, and more importantly, another source who said they personally went out there for me today and confirmed it does in fact exist and looks totally untouched and completely normal. Therefore, stay tuned' until I can post new photos/video.