I understand some European nations have "right to repair" laws where manufacturers cannot force you to go to a dealer for service and repairs. You bought it, you should be able to get parts for it.
I've seen authentic Apeks kits from places in Finland for example. I've seen parts from the UK. Shipping is not too bad either. There is also an American online dive shop that sells 3rd party kits. After all, the only parts that aren't standard are the diaphragm and seats. The rest are either non-critical or standard o-rings.
Germany (and possibly Austria, at least last time got it from an Austrian shop). Apeks used to sell the kits UK+EU wide, but then few years ago pulled the plug for some reason. Since then only saw them in DE/AT shops, due to the law there requiring manufacturers to supply spare parts.
Shipping those kits outside of their region is a direct violation of their dealership agreements. Several shops have lost their Apeks dealerships when caught sending parts to the US. Pre-COVID simplyscuba used to actually have geographic filters so if you were coming from the US Apeks didn't even show up on their website for you but none of them are technically allowed to send anything to the US. Some may, but they aren't supposed to and if they do I wouldn't publish it for their sake.
This I have no clue about I must admit. Though would not be surprised if regulated by German law as well. Checked SF-1 and Deepstop, there is no mention of any restrictions on the website, and both allow to select US as shipping address. Others, like DiveSupport, will only ship to EU (but this seems to be general restriction, rather than specific to service kits)
However I assume the above could invalidate any Apeks US warranty and whatcha not.