When you are in a normal position, any water accumulates in the area of the exhaust diaphram and most is expelled each time you exhale without ever getting in the breathing air path. In odd positions, like upside down, any water leaking in accumulate away from the exhaust diaphram and is not expelled when you exhale. And when it gets in the area of the mouthpiece, you get to inhale it. I'd take the 2nd and submerge it in a sink of water but keep the mouthpiece above the water. Use a flashlight to look thru the mouthpiece to see if or how much water is accumulating and if you get any indication of where it is coming from. Causes could be many: defective case, loose cover, hole in one of the diaphrams, leak around mouthpiece, leaking o-ring around the venturi lever or either end of the spindle assembly. The depth that the leak occurs and the size of the leak may give you clues as to the source.