AOW course Tampa/St Pete area

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Clearwater, florida
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0 - 24
Hey there- any recommendation for a shop/instructor for an AOW course in the area who would do the dives in the gulf? Seems most I’ve checked into go somewhere like Blue Grotto for the dives and we’d prefer to dive in the gulf. Thanks in advance!
If you need deep dives for your course, it’s going to be a pain to get them done around here in the gulf. You’re talking going 25-30+ miles offshore to get decent depths, hence why most do Blue Grotto or Hudson Grotto. I use Heroes Dive Center in Dunedin for most of my stuff and they are pretty flexible with training if you want custom and they have connections with local charters if you really want the gulf.
I second Heroes. They often run trips on the East Coast for AOW. So, that could be an option. Give them a call, I’m certain they will be able to find something that will work for you.
Some tampa shops go to Troy springs for the deep dive if you don't want to go in a hole. Many new divers refuse to do blue grotto, and hudson grotto is also an "acquired taste", however they are the simplest options for achieving the the training goals.

It is rare to get conditions good enough to go 20+ miles off shore in the gulf. There also isn't that much to see out there. Throw in a decent current and boat pukers. No bueno.
Thanks for all the replies so far! It’s not that I’m totally against the usual options, it’s just that since I only plan to ocean dive I’d rather have all my experience be that way if possible, if that makes sense.
As mentioned, I would look into east coast dives after getting the classroom done here. Best dive locations and easiest to get it all taken care of in a weekend.
Many shops run trips to Jupiter and the Keys, so you can probably do all but the Deep Dive locally, and then join a trip for the deep dive.

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