Anyone want to dive Vets Tuesday night?

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Reaction score
LA - North Hollywood
# of dives
500 - 999
Anyone want to dive Vets Tuesday night (11/18)? I can be there around 7:00 PM, in the water by 7:30, out by 8:30.
Hey Rex, how's it going? I have my softball playoffs this Tuesday night,otherwise I would have liked to join you.Hopefully someone else will be available to make it. How does next Tuesday look for you? I can do a night dive then if you can make it. Let me know. Jamie
Hey Rex, how's it going? I have my softball playoffs this Tuesday night,otherwise I would have liked to join you.Hopefully someone else will be available to make it. How does next Tuesday look for you? I can do a night dive then if you can make it. Let me know. Jamie

Hi Jamie - The following Tuesday (11/25) should probably work. I'll know better towards the end of this week. I'll start a new thread later this week in case others also want to go.

Good luck with the softball game, hope your team wins!
Hi Jamie - The following Tuesday (11/25) should probably work. I'll know better towards the end of this week. I'll start a new thread later this week in case others also want to go.

Good luck with the softball game, hope your team wins!

I'll check here later in the week,Rex. I hope my team wins,too.Thanks.
Hey Rex if I wasn't stuck out here on the freezing east coast for the week I'd be totally down. Maybe next week if you don't mind me tagging along, it's time I get back in the water. I think the only time we've dove together was that one DWNDD on the Peace where with did the video train, that was a blast.


Billy, it would be great if you could make it to Vets next Tuesday night. If not we need to plan a dive on the Peace, either a weekend or another DWNDD.

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