Anyone regret buying the Oceanic VT Pro?

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I'm leaning toward this puter. If you own one or know someone who does I will appreciate any feedback you can give me.

Thx, dj
Had one for a couple years

Was generally a good performer. Had good luck with transmitter signal, big size for excellent visibility, decent battery life (battery was a bit tough for me to change myself, though), very simple button setup (only 2) and not much need to touch buttons during the dive.
I had mine for a while until the Atom came on the market, I still prefer the size of the display over the Atom. Overall it's a very dependable, less anal computer then some of the others (Suunto, Uwatec). Very easy to read and operate under/above water.

The only problem I ever had with it was the fact that it would loose wireless link sometimes if a lot of metal or magnetic forces were to strong around it, i.e.: scooter. But other then that - no problems. I like Oceanic puters, the atom is my 4th one.
I've had an Oceanic VT Pro for almost two years, and I'm quite happy with it for recreational diving. The display is large and friendly, it is very easy to program and use, and wearing it as a wrist unit out of the water makes for some dead-sexy accessorising, along the lines of we geeks that wore calculator watches years after they had gone out of style... ;0)

Drawbacks that I've discovered over time are:
Oceanic's software is only written for Microsoft operating systems, and they won't provide the docs for the communication between the PC and the DC so that a person could retrieve dive data when using some other (read as: more reliable, secure, etc.) operating system. One can fairly easily get the software to run in a Windows emulator under Unix/Linux, but then can you really trust the data?
Also, the DC will not save/download actual tank pressures for the dive, instead giving the (IMHO) useless Air Time Remaining. I think that this is a useless metric since unless you know your breathing rate for that particular moment, you can't figure out how much tank pressure you had at that time, and the VT Pro doesn't ever display your breathing rate. I am one who would like to be able to point at the dive profile and say, "Ah, here at this point, where I had 1800 psi, is when I had to hide from the manatees". As it stands, you have to know how many minutes into a dive you did everything, which I am not prone to noticing since I dive to lose track of time, and my governing limit is how much tank pressure I have remaining.
The database the program uses is prone to corruption, and I lost my first 60 dives because the DC went bad and uploaded dirty data. Attempts to manualy recover the data were fruitless, and basically defeated the whole reason for downloading and saving my dives in the first place. A simple one-table flat file would be sufficient for storing the dive sample points, IMHO, but the database is much more complex than I feel it needs to be.

I'm not sure what the cause of the trouble was, but I replaced the batteries using the same type/model and according to the instructions, and the unit worked well for a week or so. I took it to Florida, and on the first dive on the Eagle off of Key Largo, the 1st stage transmitter cut out at 120 feet. I'd looked only a minute before and knew that I had 2000 PSI, but when the link wasn't re-established after 2 minutes, I had to abort the dive. The unit was usable afterward, but was extremely finicky about synching with the 1st stage ever after.

To Oceanic's credit, a simple stop by the LDS and one phone call later, they replaced the whole DC for free. Also, Oceanic isn't the one that makes this computer and I am sure that they didn't write the PC software for it, either. This computer serves my needs very well, and I'll keep it until I upgrade to a Cochran of some type.
Check a Suunto Vytec its great and easy to read very comparable in size price and user friendlyness to the Oceanic and the Suunto Software Rocks!!
DS tank wipe:
Check a Suunto Vytec its great and easy to read very comparable in size price and user friendlyness to the Oceanic and the Suunto Software Rocks!!

Keep in mind the biggest difference between the Oceanic/Aeris model and the Suunto will be how conservative the Suunto will be... Pretty big difference in allowable bottom time between the foreign, and US made units.
Larry... I am just curious. Even though Sunnto is set up at 50% level algorhythm, is there a big difference? I agree with your point so that I used to configure mine to 50% one.

Keep in mind the biggest difference between the Oceanic/Aeris model and the Suunto will be how conservative the Suunto will be... Pretty big difference in allowable bottom time between the foreign, and US made units.
This is second and third hand, but my instructor tole me not to get the oceanic computer I was looking at, because their shop was soon going to stop selling them (they have since stopped) because of a large number of returns for computers which failed during or after diving. His opinion (He's a staunch UWATEC/SUNNTO guy, so take it for what it's worth) is that Oceanic computers are not reliable enough.

Of course, if 90% of them work perfectly, then most owners will be happy but the shop will hear from that 10% who are having problems, so I tend to listen to their more informed and hopefully impartial opinions.
I have a VT Pro and like it very much. I put a "pony bottle" pressure gauge on my reg so that if I loose the signal, my buddy (my wife) can read my pressure. This gauge is also sold by Oceanic for approx. $50. My wife and I have only used Oceanic's and have always liked them, and the service we've received from the factory.

BTW, anyone that says not to buy an Oceanic because they're too liberal ignorant of the Oceanic. If you want to be as conservative as a Suunto, then stay in the green on the deco dial, and you're all set. I prefer making this decision myself, rather than the computer cutting a dive short...
I purchased a VT Pro hoseless and have used it on 20 dives. I will likely return it to the manufacturer becasue the tank pressure indicator is not 100% reliable (has bugged out on me on numerous dives) leaving me with no indication of air remaining. I thought this may be a battery issue with the transmitter, but that has not fixed the problem. At this point I would not recommend a hoseless computer as with any new technology it will take some time to work out the bugs, and loss of air pressure remaining is not a parameter I can do without. I will likely purchase the Pro Plus 2 that my buddy has...more reliable, easy to read, etc.

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