Anyone Play Pranks on Fishing Lines?

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Yeah. I was diving in a lake where my cousin was fishing nearby. I grabbed one of his tennis shoes from the car and took it under with me. He was furious with me when he "caught" his own soaking wet shoe.....but still makes for a good story at Christmas time. ;0) I guess we can do stupid things like that with family.

Funny story!:chicken:
I met this Dm on a boat off dubai. They had kind of a feud going on with some fishers who would for some reason remove their site buoys.

Anyway, at one time they emptied a net replacing the catch with packets of "fish fingers" or maybe I should say "a school of fish fingers".
For fun... and for mischief.

If a dive boat is operating safely and you just want to have some fun... hook a rubber chicken to his hook and give it the tug of a lifetime... He'll be the laughing stock of the boat when he reels that baby in.

If the boat is operating unsafely around divers you have many options. My favorite is to cut teh rig off then give the line a tug. He won't know what hit em... but he'll be out a few bucks. Those rigs aren't cheap and the lures are fun to collect.

You could also tie his line around a part of the wreck or reef... then give it a yank... he'll fight that sucker until he damn near pulls himself into the water.

Last but not least... and only if the boat is anchored and the engine off... take the line up and throw it up onto the front of the boat... the fisherman tend to think the fish threw it back... very cool...

Nope nothing yet , but i have gotten the chance to watch the other side of fishing a few times. I almost cut one free the other day , very small fish just chillen with a hook in its mouth , couldnt pull hard enough to alert the person fishing he has a fish .

So did you save Nemo or just pass him by?
If a dive boat is operating safely and you just want to have some fun... hook a rubber chicken to his hook and give it the tug of a lifetime...
This is the thing... I'm not sure which drysuit pocket it's DIR to store the rubber chicken in. Do you twist up the neck to clip the double ender to?
I am a fishing charter captain and diver. You should extend the same respect and courtesy to a person fishing as you would expect them to extend to a diver diving (you). In my experience, people who come too close to a diver or flag are ignorant. Most boaters don't know the marine saftey rules, never mind dive flag rules. The best thing you can do is to educate people courteously. When running our boat while drift diving and a fishing boat gets too close, we don't cut lines, etc. We educate. If you are cutting lines and being offensive you'll just convey nagativity and bad repuation against divers.

Most people are sorry for getting too close and will remember next time. Boaters who hassle you or get too close more than once should be reported by calling the local CG, etc and turning hull numbers in. It's never a good idea to take it into your own hands. Divers are no sensible match for boats and fishing gear.

Rules vary by state but generally:

Boaters must make reasonable efforts to stay 300 feet away from divers-down flags in open water and 100 feet away in rivers, inlets, and navigation channels. Boaters approaching flags closer than these distances must slow their boat to idle speed, or the minimum speed necessary to maintain forward motion and maneuverability.

Note that it's not REQUIRED. It's only reckless if a boat approaches above idle speed, and only then can a violation be issued. Unfortunately, most fishing is within this speed limit - and there are usually no enforceable rules pertainling to "fishing" near dive flags.

Also, the divers-down flag cannot be displayed in an area that would obstruct boat traffic or creates a hazard to navigation on any river, inlet, or channel, except in case of emergency.

So don't think boats HAVE to go around you. They don't. Use your judgement on your dive location.

Again, check the local state laws. These are just general rules.

Capt. Jeff Duncan
I've heard stories of fishermen throwing cherry bombs into the water in an area known as the local dive spot. It purportedly is to scare off seals. I've also heard of a retired SEAL who keeps trying to have that happen when he is around. The story goes that he wants to give them a lesson in underwater explosives.

Generally, divers should be kind to fishermen as the firshermen can be great resources in the event of trouble.
When I was teaching I always cautioned my students that up setting a fisherman my have it's consequences. You're underwater and your car with it's dive stickers isn't.

I did witness a group of fisherman trying to hook a diver. After several attempts the diver surfaced a few feet away with spear gun in hand. Pointed at the fisherman with a flurry of obsene words and a warning. The fisherman moved to another spot. I should note that the diver was swimming along a Jetty and the fisherman was walking along keeping himself in line with the diver. He did know it was a diver.

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