Anyone interested in diving Bennett Springs on Feb. 8th?

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Liberty, Mo
We are a team of 2 hoping to dive Bennet Springs S.P. next Wednesday Feb. 8th. We were looking for another team of divers that might be interested in this also, and we could be each others surface support. S.P. rules require this. Please let me know if your interested.
Are you referring to Bennet Springs State Park in Missouri? I haven't heard of that, and what kind of surface support are they saying a team needs? In other words, tell me about your dive plan. I don't have a buddy for it so I won't be going, but I'm curious about other dive spots and their rules.
I have not dove this myself yet. This will be my first time. Yes, I am referring to the State Park. It is only open to divers from Nov-Feb when the trout season is closed. I am told this spring is about 85ft deep when you come to a restrictin that cannot be penetrated due to high flow. I don't think there is all that much to see but there is supposed to be alot of trout swimming about. As far as surface support, that term was probably the wrong one to use. They just require that each anytime there is a diver down, there must be at least one person on shore. They don't have to be dive certified or anything like that. In fact, it looks as though we might be bribing one of our wives to come along. For more information and to make reservations (forgot to mention that reservations are needed), call the Bennet Springs State Park Nature center.

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