Anyone Have Issues Hearing Back From Huracan Dive Lodge?

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Reaction score
Chesapeake Bay
# of dives
100 - 199
I reached out about 2 weeks ago with a few questions about availability and I've not heard a peep back. I'll call them tomorrow and see how that goes, but in the meantime, anyone have any experience with this?
I am a frequent flyer at Huracan, and that is odd that you are having trouble. While the Internet at the Lodge is a little touch and go, generally, someone in the US picks up the slack.

What address are you using?

You might also try sending them a message on FB. I chat with Christian (son of the owner, and chief reservation monkey) often several times a week...
Thanks, Stoo! It got worked out. I'm heading there the first part of July. Any recommendations?
Great... Well, assuming you like great food, people and diving, you can't help but have a great time. We just booked our 5th consecutive trip if that says anything.

You are presumably aware that they don't have AC, so it might be a little warm there, although there are fans and I understand some sort of special ones of same sort are going in at some point. Some good bug stuff would likely be a good idea if you plan on hoofing around in the jungle at all (and you should do that, there's lots of trails... )

I would also recommend borrowing a kayak and doing a little island exploring. Just be aware of the wind and take water to drink. We paddled right over some large crocs one day!

The diving itself is as easy as it gets. Odds are, Arthur will be your DM, and Ed will be your boat guy. Both are excellent and fun to spend the day with. Diving is generally "out and back" after each dive since most sites are very close. The best diving (IMHO) is over at Halfmoon Caye, although it's very nice around Long Caye and Hat Caye as well. Most of the diving is light drift diving, although not all. I maintain it's the best overall diving in the Caribbean, and this was supported by an old friend who recently visited. She has dived all over the world and agreed that it was the best diving in Caribbean as well.

Beyond diving, eating, exploring and sleeping, there isn't much to do... take a book or two... perhaps something you can leave behind for their library.

If you want too see some pics, click on my website link, or FB link. Most of the warm water pics are from Huracan. FB has some specific Huracan galleries.

And if there's anything else I can help with (like carrying your bags and gear on the island???) feel free to ask!
Thanks, Stoo! I spent a couple years living in a mud brick hut on the northern border of Nigeria, so being warm doesn't phase me. :) I did read about issues with a generator and not being able to sleep through the noise, which initially put me off of Huracan, but it seems they've fixed it.

I'm pretty excited to be going. One of the reasons I picked Huracan is its proximity to the dive sites. It is so nice to not have to spend a lot of time on a boat.

I love your photos, by the way.
Huracan generates all of its own power, either solar or generator, as needed. I think the issue was they had a bunch of batteries died early this year, and they couldn't keep the place running all night (fans etc) so they had to run on the generator at times. The batteries had been replaced prior to our arrival in March and we had no issues.

For what it's worth, we have always stayed on the "road side"... i.e. the side that faces the dirt path out front. The other side faces the generator/compressor side so could potentially be a bit noisier. ("Our side" is the left side of the building as you stand in the dining area looking down the hall...)

I'm glad you liked the pics... You just might find some on the walls down there I hear... ;-)

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