Anyone else seeing this?

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Sorry for the OT, but every time I go to a new page on SB, I get two pages of a repeating 1 inch tall banner background. It eventually clears back to a two or three deep motif when the page finishes loading and I start to scroll, but it's pretty annoying. I'm running Firefox on a Mac G4, if that makes any difference. This just started yesterday for me, but I've been gone for a week.
Everything seems to be running fine on the newly revamped PC here at work.
I've had this happen sometimes (but not now). I never did figure out what causes it but it always seems to clear up eventually. Really annoying though!
Ever since I loaded the new window 7 this is happening. It does not happen on my wifes pc. She inherited my old one. It also does this on my laptop with 7. Adds about 6secs of patience building to my life.
Sorry for the OT, but every time I go to a new page on SB, I get two pages of a repeating 1 inch tall banner background. It eventually clears back to a two or three deep motif when the page finishes loading and I start to scroll, but it's pretty annoying. I'm running Firefox on a Mac G4, if that makes any difference. This just started yesterday for me, but I've been gone for a week.

Not sure I understand. When you try to load a page (any page on SB), two pages load with content that finally disappears once the page finishes loading? Very weird.

I'm not seeing anything odd. I'm running Windows 7 and Firefox 3.6, which definitely has some issues, but none peculiar to SB.

BTW, if you're not running AdBlock with your Firefox, I recommend it. It's an invaluable add-on that lets you block any image you want to, on any page. It's intended mostly for ads, but it's useful for eliminating annoying stuff people sometimes insist on including in forum postings - asinine animated avatars, favorite political agendas, etc.
Not sure I understand. When you try to load a page (any page on SB), two pages load with content that finally disappears once the page finishes loading? Very weird.
Yes. The "content" is a banner that is about an inch wide and repeats some 30 or 40 times, filling multiple pages of scroll space. It collapses to two after a while, right below the banner that has the ScubaBoard logo over on the left. Every time I load a page, this happens. Just once, it's annoying. After a few times, I just quit surfing ScubaBoard.

Edit:I just realized that the banner doesn't repeat exactly. The color motif does, but there are links all the way to the left that don't. There are a bazillion of them, though.

Edit2: What it is is all the top level links uncollapsed. All the forums, etc. listed out individually.
I'm unable to edit my previous post, but wanted to add that if anyone decides to give Adblock a try, be sure to add one of the free filter subscriptions which are presets that include hundreds of ad filters and are a huge timesaver. You can add as many of your own filters as you want, but do the other as well. You can open them to see what's in them.
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I'm unable to edit my previous post, but wanted to add that if anyone decides to give Adblock a try, be sure to add one of the free filter subscriptions which are presets that include hundreds of ad filters and are a huge timesaver. You can add as many of your own filters as you want, but do the other as well. You can open them to see what's in them.
Thanks, but what I'm seeing isn't ads. It's the entire link list of Scubaboard flattened (all hierarchy removed). After it loads and I scroll on the page, the hierarchy returns and I just see the top level links. It only takes about 10 seconds, but it happens every time I open a new page, even when I go to the next page of a thread. It didn't do this before Christmas.

Also, the banner that used to be there, with links to my profile and such, is gone now.

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