IZOR'S is a great place to find anchors and chain. It's also a good place to lose them. There are a few barges in the flats that offer surprises every now and then. My buddy Ross found a nudibranch on Savino's Barge that I've only seen once. Because of the location between Los Angeles Harbor, Long Beach and Dana Point there are many shipwrecks out there. A few of them are actual wrecks, most are intentially sunken derelicts. All offer bottom dwelling marine life a place to live. I enjoy diving a site just a mile or so from shore that has metridium anemones, wolfeels and not a single garibaldi in sight.
There are also several rockpiles out there. Some are naturally occuring while some are made up of quarry rocks intended for breakwaters that made their way over the side of the barge. Some rockpiles have material added to them. Ross-O Reef is a small rocky reef covered by a metal staircase and steel cables.
Some of my favorite sites in Huntington Flats include the wrecks of the Olympic II, USS Moody, Ace One, Fog Wreck, Gambler, Johanna Smith, Georgia Strait, FS Loop, African Queen, Caissons, UB88, Ross-O Reef and a few sites made up of concrete pipes covered with metridiums.
Charlie Bartleson on the African Queen
Wolfeel on the Fog Wreck
Max Bottomtime shooting video of the Caissons