I have been a certified diver for over 34 years and a licensed master skydiver (D21625) for over 13 years and I can honestly say that each of the sports is unique to itself. I've enjoyed both and yes I can tell you that both are expensive to enjoy. I don't think I would choose one over the other, I tend to waffel back and forth between them, dive and jump when the mood hits me. Skydiving is like SCUBA it is a self regulating sport and you do not have to have a license issued by USPA (United States Parachute Association) to jump..... BUT.... you will have a hard time finding a drop zone where you can jump if you don't have a license (eperienced jumper I mean not a student). Buying skydiving gear is like buying SCUBA gear, there are a lot of different types to pick from, main chutes, reserves, harness containers, altimiters, jump suits, helmets, and a whole lot of accessories. If you were to buy new you are looking at approximately $1,200.00 for a main, $1,000.00 for a reserve, $800.00 to $1,500.00 for a container, $250.00 for a jumpsuit, $175.00 for an altimiter, $65.00 protec helmet and this is bare bones .... total estimate for new gear $4,990.00 not including tax. Remember this is a really rough estimate. You can pick up used gear for about $2,000.00 for a full rig (container,main and reserve). Now if you want a AAd (automatic activation device) like a cypress you will put out another $1,200.00, an AAD is like a computer that takes a reading several times a second and determins your altitude and fall rate. IF you are falling too fast and go to low then it automaticaly deploys your reserve. A normal jump price to 13,500 - 14,500 is normally around $28.00 bucks.
SCUBA gear is pretty much the same. Drop me a pm if you need any specific info. Skydiving gear also has one thing that SCUBA dosen't, you can increase the thrill and danger level by the design of your main parachute. A student flys a pickup truck, slow and easy to fly. I fly a muscle car of parachutes.. fast, unforgiving and very, very, dangerous if you don't pay attention.