Any diving near Clover, SC?

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Reaction score
Redmond, WA USA
# of dives
50 - 99
Hi, I'll be in Clover, SC next week for business. I was busy being bumbed that yet another week would go buy without diving when I realized I might be able to sneak in a night dive or two while there!?

I'm a fairly new diver, just getting certified in December. I've been trying to get out as much as possible since, and have about 18 dives under my belt. All my dives have been near Seattle in Puget Sound in a dry suit, and 1 has been a night dive.

I'm actually flying in Wednesday and flying out early Sunday morning, so I could dive Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday night.

So if anyone is willing to show a somewhat green diver around and has something appropiate in mind for my ability, I'd love to get a dive or two in. Let me know and we can hash out the details.

Oops, I just found out that SC is covered by the Dixie board, but as it turns out Clover is only about 20 miles SW of Charlotte anyways. So I think I'm covered either way...

I didn't realize I'd be around 3 hours from the coast? Are there any good quarry or lake dives around?

Do you value good viz? If so, there isn't much.
Do you value good viz? If so, there isn't much.
Most of my dives are probably around 20 feet visibility. I've done a few in the 5-10 foot range. As long as there is something interesting to see I don't care, low visibility doesn't bother me much. Plus, I have a nice 10W HID to make the most of what's there. :)
Look at Lake Jocassee, western South Carolina beyond Greenville. It isn't very close, but a lot of training is done there and it is pretty popular with the seasoned crowd as well. I think you would have a lot more fun diving the coast if you could work that out.
There's "The Hot Hole" close to the Oconee Nuclear Power Plant near Pickens, SC (Lake Kiowee). Water temp is usually 65 - 70 degrees, but viz is only about 10 ft. Bermuda Triangle Dive Shop in Greenville runs cert trips there on the week-ends. They'll let you come along for a small donation for boat expenses if they have room.

Contact them at or 864.915.4179 if interested.
There's "The Hot Hole" close to the Oconee Nuclear Power Plant near Pickens, SC (Lake Kiowee). Water temp is usually 65 - 70 degrees, but viz is only about 10 ft. Bermuda Triangle Dive Shop in Greenville runs cert trips there on the week-ends. They'll let you come along for a small donation for boat expenses if they have room.

Contact them at or 864.915.4179 if interested.
Is it just me, or does this sound kind of scary?

The "Hot Hole", next to the NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, run by the Bermuda Triangle dive shop! :11: lol

I'm sure it's fine (I'm assuming the water is warm from "natural" reasons), but you have to admit it sounds a bit suspect! :wink:

LOL, I have dove the hot hole. It's a blast, massive drift dives. It is kind of scary though, you anchor to a power plant and then dive in green outflow. People do fish though constantly on lake keowee, and both bill from off the wall charters or bermuda triangle goes up there. I have gone up there with bermuda and had a blast. Once you have decided where you would like to go I would come up and dive jocassee or keowee (hothole) with you. I have no idea the temp of jocassee though, but I assume it's in the 40's somewhere. It is also cold as can be at the hothole when you get out of that warm stream.

Jason If you want to dive a quarry. In Mooresville NC we have a quarry run by the PDRA(Piedmont Dive and Rescue Association) The local dive shop ( does a thursday night dive starting in the early evening. If that won't work PM me and if you would like I'll take you. Bring your dry suit the water was 42 degrees yesterday.
Dive Safe Dive Often,
Jason If you want to dive a quarry. In Mooresville NC we have a quarry run by the PDRA(Piedmont Dive and Rescue Association) The local dive shop ( does a thursday night dive starting in the early evening. If that won't work PM me and if you would like I'll take you. Bring your dry suit the water was 42 degrees yesterday.
Dive Safe Dive Often,
Thanks for the tip. Looks like they're closed for the day, but I'll call tomorrow and try to get some more information. Looks like about 40 miles from where I'm staying in Gastonia. How's traffic on Hwy 85 to Charlotte and then Hwy 21 up to Mooresville? Hopefully it's not as bad as around here in Seattle. :)

No offense to you "Hot Hole" divers. I'm sure I'm swimming in my own share of toxic crude in Puget Sound, but just something about swimming right next to a nuclear reactor that doesn't sit will with me! :)

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