Thanks for the support rainman 02. Some of the boys from California are calling my little band the DIR Dive Divas! I kind of like the sound of it, but the boys are more than welcome to join us. We would be glad to add Dive Dudes on the end of the tag.
Right now we are 3 gals moving toward DIR. DIR folks from other areas of the country have provided me with many great resources to read. I have pretty good reading comprehension and have employed what I am able to at this point. Some other folks have let me have access to some DIR videos. I have also had many DIR help me configure my gear via lots of PM’s, emails, pictures, and video clips. Have also had several folks film themselves to demonstrate things and send me the clips.
It has all been very helpful, but I would really like to get in the water with some folks that are much farther down the road than I am. My regular dive buddy is willing to incorporate what I learn and the system of diving makes sense to her.
With all that being said, right now it is like the blind leading the blind. We are moving along—but it is bumpy and not the least bit graceful! We are moving in the right direction. I am doing the best I can with my very limited knowledge and experience.
I am some where between 60 and 70 dives. This is my second season diving. It was toward the end of last season that I became aware of DIR and someone began to mentor me via the Internet on the merits of the system and the thought process behind that.
I rented jacket gear for my first season. When I purchased gear over the winter, I was able to purchase gear that is DIR compliant for the most part. My dive buddy had been having a lot of gear issues, so we did a pool dive. I put her in my rig and dove her jacket gear. That was all it took to move her to the dark side. Her new gear should be here soon and we will be at the lake fine-tuning it.
Our 3rd gal is a newly certified diver with a DIR brother (he lives in CA) who is hooking her up with a nice Halcyon rig.
At this point we all believe DIR is the way to go and see how the system makes sense and like it total approach to diving.
I know there are some other people who would like to join in with us that are noobs, but until I learn a little more and am more secure and proficient in my skills, ability and knowledge base I am hesitant to expand.