Any details on recent Coz incident?

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Upstate, New York
I just got back from a week in Akumel, Mexico and wondered if any one had any information on an extremely tragic and heart wrenching incident I heard took place in Cozumel last week. Last Tuesday my wife and I met a group of divers from New Hampshire who had been diving Coz and the mainland (Cenotes and Caves) working on their cave diving certifications.

The divers sadly shared news that one of their party had passed away on a dive in Cozumel a few days earlier. They reported the deceased diver had been down only 6 minutes when his 27 year old son brought his unconscious father to the surface. Resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful.

The divers "believed" the diver may have been suffering from sea sickness prior to commencing the dive. They were also under the impression the diver had not drown, but had asphyxiated as vomit was apparently found in the divers airway (they reported this was discovered by the Medical Examiner in Coz).

I am respectfully wondering if anyone has any confirmed facts regarding this tragic incident.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family for their loss, and to the son for having to experience the unthinkable for any diver. God bless the family.
Sad loss. That is a risk with motion sickness. It's generally suggested to get off the boat and into the water so it'll go away, but it doesn't always. I know a lady who gets very ill on boats even after hundreds of trips, always stays in the water as long as possible, but she still pukes in the water if there is a lot of particulate matter floating. And we're taught to puke thru the Reg, but you gotta purge that thing, clear it and breath good air. Damn!
That is is always so sad when one of "us" is lost to a tragic accident.

I did want to point out that many conditions can cause vomiting, including heart attacks and sudden brain bleeding, both known to sometimes be a factor in dive accidents, especially heart attacks. Either's such a sad heart goes out to the victim's son.
This is actually the first I have heard of this, seriously. I will see if I can find anything out without pushing or prying.

My thoughts and prayers to the family and friends.

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