Any advise to give to a newly certified diver?

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Hi There Phoenix Diver,
Welcome to Scuba Board –One of the most informative and dedicated boards on the net. You can meet a lot of helpful people here and it’s an awesome place to get answers to your questions regarding scuba diving. If you ever want to chat feel free to PM me. Take care and Safe Diving

-Matt- :palmtree::sunny

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No experience needed and it feels great!
Welcome!! Any question you have, you can probably find a post about it in the archives, or just ask away and someone will steer you to an answer.

My personal favorite for beach diving is Shaw's Cove in Laguna Beach.
wow, how about actually answering the man instead of plastering preform post all over the place.

Phoenix Diver- - Here it goes all I can think of in 240 seconds.. ready.. GO!

The big stuff is awesome to see.. sharks/ turtles and such. The more your dive the more you see. Learn to stop and do some nose draggin look for the Itsy Bitsies. The little Banded Shrimp the small critters I can not name. The great defenders of the lair 2" Damsel fishes.

Never buy a new gadget. Let the other smucks buy em and see how it works in the real undersea world first.

Don't buy painted tanks.. the paint just scratches and is a place for corrosion to hide anyway.

The (big) Knife Debate- - Decide for yourself.. pick a side and then JUMP in.. Both sides are head fast right and they know it.

Check and recheck yor gear don't get lazy.

If you ever run into something "not quite right.." Stop/Breathe/Think/Act. Use your head, you are smart, you are trained, you have the equipment you need solve the problem.

Anyone can decide either not to dive or that is enough for them at anytime without embarassment.

Give up 15 minutes of bottom time today, for a lifetime of diving tommorow.

and Finally....

Never spend the night before a winter dive Gourging on Sushi and Gulping Sake. Seaweed salad is REALLY nasty coming out the nose.

Times up
Aloha Phoenix Diver
Go slow to see more. Learn to Relax. Never be afraid to call off a dive, if it feels wrong. Always recheck your gear before donning.
Step way out when doing a giant stride off the boat. Really learn your gear, assembly and disassembly.
Aloha Turtleguy
Relax! Do things in a slow and controlled manner. Breathe--slowly and in a relaxed manner--all the time.

The best divers never panic. They know they have plenty of air to breathe, therefore anything else can be worked out calmly.

Have fun!!!

Dive, dive, dive.
S :)
Hi Phoenix. Welcome to the Board and welcome to the Wonderful World of Diving. :-)

You've already gotten some great advice here. And I will also reiterate the bit about never being afraid to call off a dive if you don't feel right about something- whether you're already in the water or or before you even jump in. Know your limitations and expand your horizons slowly and responsibly. Look after your security and assure yourself that there will always be another dive. Your Open Water Course teaches you just the bare bones of the sport. From there on is really where you learn how to dive.

And beyond that: Get wet. Blow Bubbles. Have fun!

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