Ansell Point, BC.

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Marc (Blitz) and I had a couple of nice dives today up in Horseshoe Bay, BC (just out of West Vancouver). Visability must have been 70' or so. The wall drops down to over 300 fsw and you can find plenty of cloud sponges as well as chimney sponges. We saw a couple of Tiger Rockfish and a very interesting sight...

As we were going down to the water to check out the entry we heard a loud slap, slapping sound and looked down to see a harbor seal wildly doing summersauts with his tail occassionally slapping the water as he went around. Then we saw another harbor seal nearby. I thought they were playing, mating, or it even looked like one was potentially caught on something.

Then it stopped and stuck it's head out of the water and it had a large salmon by the neck and was beating the crap out of it. It then moved on to eat its meal. I've never seen anything quite like that before.

Ansell Point is about a mile before Whytecliffe Park going north and is an excellent dive as long as you don't mind a somewhat tiring trek from the parking area to the water. We did two dives so it's not that bad. The wall appears to drop off a little faster to the right of the entry point. We stayed above 120 fsw for most of the dive. This would make a good dive combined with another dive at Whytecliffe Park.
Glad you guys had a good dive there.

The Ansell seal is somewhat ledgendary for pulling and biting fins :)
Glad you guys had a good dive there.

The Ansell seal is somewhat ledgendary for pulling and biting fins :)

Unfortunately, he didn't hang around after his Salmon lunch.:wink:
This is actually pretty common behaviour for sea lions, so I suspect for seals as well. We saw dozens of sea lions in Barkley Sound doing this. Thrashing salmon on the surface then eating them. The gulls were well trained, as soon as the thrashing started every gull in sight started over to get leftovers.

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