Another Newbie =)

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not another one of you "newbies".... just kidding of course. Welcome to the family, from north of the 49th.
From not so far away at all! Welcome to Southern California diving, UCLAdiver. Any questions, please ask away.
Welcome ucladiver, we are glad to have you spend your surface interval on the best board on the web, even if you are a Bruin.

There are sooooooooo many places you can go and get wet. Where are you taking your OW dives? I would guess either Laguna or Casino Point.

There are plenty of sites for beach diving up and down the coast, with Laguna probably the most popular (even though they have the dreaded steps, argh). Being on a tight budget that is probably your best bet, but for the best diving, jumping on a boat and visiting the"islands" , they are primo.

If you need someone to buddy up with let me know and we can try to get together for a couple of dives.
Cool! more so cal divers!!

Have you tried diving around the Palos Verdes peninsula. Lots of beach access Kelp diving. Malaga Cove is one of my favorite spots.

Take care
Thanks for the welcome all.

I actually dove Malaga cove in Laguna about 2 weeks ago. It was fantastic. We did a dive at laguna as well but the vis was not too good so didn't see much.

As far as getting a virus on my dive computer I'll have to spend some time porting NAV over so it will run on whichever one I end up getting. In the meantime though, it would have to be a pretty damn fancy virus if it could get to my NAUI dive tables :).

I will definately get in touch once i complete the course. I have been "done" for a long time now, passed the written and the pool. But my instructor has disapeared for the past month (???) so I haven't been able to get last OW dive in. Hopefully I'll get it done soon.

Take care all.
Hi and welcome, from Rochester NY.
I really enjoy underwater photography. check it out when you get a chance. I never take my camera when diving in conditions I haven't dived in before. Get comfortable with the conditions first.
I haven't been "Bug Hunting" yet, Maybe next year.

Enjoy the Boards. There is a lot of imformation here. :D:
seems you haven't been welcomed from the deep south yet..

So from Mississippi and on behalf of the other southern divers ---- WELCOME !!!

I'm relatively new here also, but have already come to appreciate the wisdom, knowledge, spirit, humor and wit of those who frequent this board.
Stick around ... there's no telling what you might learn... some of it might even be useful!!


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