Another Newbie =)

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Los Angeles
Hey all,
I'm a dive away from my OW Cert and just wanted to introduce myself.
I'm a 21 yr old 4th year computer science student at UCLA. I also work on the Norton AntiVirus team at Symantec in Santa Monica. The only sport I've found that I like as much as diving is SKIING. I figure I'd be a happy man if I had a cabin in some european alps for the winter and nice bungalow in some far off diving paradise for the summer. :wink:
As you probably guessed, I'll be diving the SoCal beaches and Channel Islands when I can. (remember I'm still a poor student) Any recommended spots would be apreciated. As of now my diving interests include pretty much everything. I really want to go "bug hunting" but I need some night diving practice first. (anyone got a good spot?) Photography also sounds like great hobby.
That's it. Look forward to getting to know you.


=-) <--- Hey this guy kinda looks like Glen Plake. (Skiing God in case you didn't know).
A big H O W D Y ! ! ! from :cold: frozen :cold: North Texas.

We are glad you're here with us. As you probably have seen, there are several other good folks in your area that you can hookd up with for diving. And if you ever make it over here, we will gladly initiate you into the Texas Swamp Dive Team.

I hope you enjoy your stay and we look forward to your contributions.
Welcome to the board. Folks here are very friendly.

I too have spent a lot of time at Wilshire and Westwood.

One good thing about your selection of hobbies, they are both equipment intensive. You will probably need a three bedroom to give adequate storage room.

Dive Safe!
WOW! What a strange world. I grew up in Southern California (Long Beach). I also have a degree in Computer Science and I work in Anti Virus. I am a QA Engineer for Network Associates doing QA on McAfee Netshield. I work in Beaverton Oregon and do most of my diving here. I wish I would have taken up the sport when I lived down there instead of the cold Northwest.

Welcome aboard!

and a nearly Warm welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state, amazing what a week of cool weather will do.

just a suggestion on the bugs as you know you need some night experience, the other is that don't get greedy just the big ones.
Scottri --

I can just see the both of you on the dive boat talking shop and trading anti-viral trade secrets!
Oh is that what he meant by bug hunting Mike?

Welcome from the Northwest where we need to don our drysuits just to go for a walk!

welcome from NJ.
You've found the place to be for scuba info, humor,etc.
Good luck on the completion of your OW.

Nah, that would violate my no-compete agreement, I'm more likely to try and find a virus to send to his dive computer.

It is strange though to find another computer geek in the sport that is also in the same specialized sector of the geek world!

I'm a newbie too. As far as I can tell the first Scuba Board Goal for a Newbie is to write an intro that gets responces from as many parts of the world as you can. So, a great big "Welcome to the pool, jump in, the people here are fine."
From Dafydd, in Utah.

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