Another HI from London!!

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from a half Brit/half Chinese scuba junkie all the way over here in Thailand!

The first person you bumped into was Joewr.... good luck! (:p You know I love you really, Joe....) He takes great pleasure in pointing out spelling 'differences' - UK vs US - as you may have noticed already and fancies himself as a literary buff (which he is, without a doubt!), but it's all done in the spirit of fun and if Joewr wasn't around, this board would be far too serious. Having said that, you haven't met the likes of NetDoc, Iguana Don, Syruss, Butch103 et al yet so do be warned... they are even worse!

Seriously, as DivingGal, Thresher, David C and miked have pointed out, you have found THE wickedest (I can see Joe cringeing at my assassination of the English language - teehee) place to hang out as a new diver. Any questions you might have, just ask and you will receive a ton of replies. The main aim of this board is to share knowledge and experiences and HAVE FUN! :bounce:

When do you start your OW course? Do I understand that you have to wait until next May, or is that for your first diving holiday? I'd go bonkers if I couldn't dive for another 8 months! :eek: Best of luck with it and let us know how you go.

See you around....
Hi everyone

Thanx for all the replies - if Joewr wants to pick on my spelling, thats fine - when i go on a serious posting mission, he will be here all day.. lol

In response to keralucu's question - i am waiting till March to do the course, the reasons being, firsty i need to get fit and secondly i dont want to have to wait too long before completing the course and going on my hols - knowing me ill forget everything and drown the instant i get in the just kidding!!
Seriously, what with kids birthdays, xmas, and paying for my holiday it seemed better finacially till wait till then, although, i have purchased the dive pack and am ploughing through the rather large book that came with it, and it seems great - i cant wait!!!

Off swimming now ( ughh!! @ first thing on a monday morning)

Welcome from Hertfordshire,

People say "Love at first sight" exists, I'm not sure.

What is in no doubt is "hooked on first dive" is very common.

Prepare to be turned into a Scuba Evangelist, preaching the underwater gospel to all you meet. Diving craving's with day counts to the next vaccation that start 3 months before you go.

Still Scubaboard can fill that gap a little and it stops you annoying the hell out of all your non-diving mates.

I know exactly what you mean...

Kells... ok, only till March - that's not SOOO bad... Once you get started you'll wish you'd done it years ago. I know I did!
And a WARM Welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state

How did swimming go?

I'm dedicated and all but first thing Monday morning I hit the snooze button.
Kells30 - Welcome to the board! I think you are already getting a good idea of who to watch out for! It's great to have another Brit on the board and from London too no less!
Now, having noticed your preference to warm water diving (and after a wake up jab from Joewr) I'd like to officially extend an invitation for you to join CAD. To bring you up to speed this is how CAD started.
The membership benefits are enormous:
You get ragged by the rest of the board
You have to "talk" to the rest of us CADers
You can use the initials CAD in your signature
.....I could continue but there are too many to list

And to set your mind at rest Joewr, as well as being CADs Co-Founder & Coupon Clipper, is also our Grammarian - hence the notice of the shift key! (He takes his job very seriously) ;)

Again, Welcome to the font of scuba knowledge. I'm sure you'll have fun here.
How did swimmming go??

I really dont want to tell you, but i shall...

Ok, i did 8 lengths, which took me 45 mins - LOL - i didnt realise how unfit i was and had to stop after each length for 5 mins to catch my breath!!!..

I then want on the running machine for 15 mins - and resembled a beetroot once i had finished - Oh the punishement!! one consilation is, it can only get better!!!

Oh how i hate confession time! ;)
Hey Amoeba

Where abouts in London are you??

Im in Croydon, technicly ( dunno how to spell that word) Surrey but still a London Borough - work that one out!!
Sounds familiar. However having just pulled all the ligaments in my ankle on holiday (life is soo tough), I have been able to avoid the 12 min beetroot thing! Keep at it - you'll be surprised how quickly you improve.

I'm over in Northolt, Middlesex also technically not in London but also a London Borough. England is sooo weird. ;)

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