Another fatality in Ireland - Co. Galway

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This is the sixth for Ireland in the last month, going on the dates of threads here: Co. Cork June 15, Co. Donegal June 16, two in Co. Cork July 3, Co. Donegal yesterday, and now this...

Man dies after resurfacing from dive off Inishbofin ·
A MAN HAS died after getting into difficulty following a diving expedition off the coast of Inishbofin in County Galway today.
The Irish Coast Guard were alerted to the situation at 2.30pm today. The dive vessle had contacted them to say that a diver was experiencing difficulty after he resurfaced. The coastguard helicopter R118 was tasked to the scene from Sligo.
A local district nurse from the island was taken to the dive vessel by a local boat. The nurse administered CPR on the man until the lifeboat crew took over. CPR was also carried out on the man by the winchman of the helicopter and the paramedics and members of Clifden RNLI.
The man was airlifted to Mayo General Hospital in Castlebar, where he was pronounced dead a short time later.

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