Another Darn Texan

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Athens Texas
I would like to fess up to some things from the start. I am new to Diving, new to the Board and please forgive me for I have been Lurking for a couple of months. Having confessed up to all these sins I do have at least 1 to the good. My state is located in the center of this great country in the " warmer lower half ". Having been on the Lurk I have read and learned a lot from the board. You folks have shared a lot of information between each other for all of us to learn and advance. This information to those like myself just starting out is helpful.

I have been reading the OW manual for the last couple of months and if god is willing and the water gets warmer I plan on being in Athens Texas for the classes. Thanks again for all the information and look forward to reading, posting and meeting some folks.

Welcome from Rochester NY. :wave:

Looking forward to hearing about how your training goes!

See you 'round the boards!

PS. 'preciate ya fessin' up, but I don't reckon there was anythin sinful there. :wink:
Hi Randy

Welcome to the best SCUBA board on the planet. I have enjoyed reading so many interesting and informative posts in here i hope you get as much out of this as i have.

Hi Randy and welcome! Athens Scuba Park is a pretty neat place to learn, lot of neat things to see there!

Great Name!

Randy J.
Wow...Another Texan! Welcome to the Board.

With your name, you'll fit right in with the rest of us Texas Swamp Divers! Be sure to check the Texas section for our proposed calendar for the year, among other info. You'll get a chance for alot of practice with some really good divers...the best way to learn!
Welcome to the board -- you'll have a fun time hanging out here.

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