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It's great that you enjoy diving so much, and want to improve yourself, but actually going to dive the ocean is a good part of training. I did a 3 day Channel Island boat last May, and it was awesome, but a bit cold. To condition myself, I went to Santa Rosa's Perch Lake and dive the bottom until I couldn't stand it any longer - about 20 minutes in a 7 mil long at 50F. Yet, my body took the hint and got ready, so when I did 50F out there, it didn't hurt anymore. Also wore a neoprene beanie, gloves, and heavy booties.
Most of the divers on my boat were in dry suits, though. I am curious about what you're planning on diving in? When you board, talk with the DMs and explain that it's your first ocean dive, much less first time in kelp, so they can give you a good start. Always follow your training, but - learn more from the experienced.
PM me if I can help you learn your way around; that is - click my username to the upper left, then follow the prompts to send me a "Personal Message."