Yesterday, we went diving in Lake Pleasant. (Jax, hubby and I). The regular dive spot was closed off and we were directed to a small cove with a parking lot and boat ramp around the corner outside the cove (close). There were two or three dive classes going on with several flags in the cove.
Apparently, this is a favorite beach ramp for those who don't want to wait in line for the regular ramp. While Jax and I were doing our last dive, my husband stopped 3-4 people from unloading their boats or jet skis into the cove, right next to the flags. He politely explained the 100 yard distance required by state law, (cove was much smaller than 100yds) and suggested they go to the adjacent boat ramp. He also explained that there were several dive classes with many divers under the surface and how they could injure/kill a diver, even with a large sailboat/no motor. (head injury) I can tell you that my husband was very polite although getting progressively more frustrated by the minute. The instructors for the classes were anything but polite and yelled at quite a few more boaters.
You can imagine the idiotic and even hateful comments some of those boaters gave him. Some just gave a deer in the headlights look and continued to unload boats, to which my husband would let them know that he would take down their license and report them. Other boaters (already in the water) were entering from the back of the cove ( the nearby boat ramp had a backup so boaters were coming around the corner to use this cove as an alternate loading ramp). We would yell to the boaters that they needed to stay one hundred yards from the flags, to get out of the cove, everything. Many simply kept coming. Jax, at one point hollered "somebody call the police" in an attempt to get a boat to turn off.
Sometimes, I think dive flags are magnets to boaters rather than deterrents. For those that dive in areas with boats, be careful and treat that surface as an overhead environment until you're sure it's clear!