Anacapa Pics... 9/25

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Reaction score
Huntington Beach, CA
# of dives
500 - 999
Here's a slideshow from Thursdays trip to Anacapa. It was a great experience, except for when our dive buddy fell ill. Prior to the first dive John was feeling nauseous, we kind of just thought sea sick. He said he was fine for the first dive, but about 30 mins into it he was quite chilled so we came up. He sat out the 2nd dive, and about 10 mins into it the DM's were running through the water signaling everyone to go back to the boat.

When we got on board John was in excrutiating acute pain, abdomen area. The coast Guard came out and pulled him off. Everyone was thinking Appendicitis.... turned out to be Kidney stones... OUCH!!!!!!! Poor guy :( I can't even start to imagine the pain he was going thru. He was a trooper though for sure!

Here's the pics ......

sideways777777's slideshow on Flickr
Nice photos :) to bad for john though
planning on going here in the end of Nov. can't wait lovely pics.

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