Always count heads...

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And roll calls suck, as some people will answer for others - thinking they're below deck when they are below water.

Actually, they don't, but some people suck at conducting them.

When the roll starts, everyone shuts the hell up and stops doing whatever they are doing to listen to the roll. No one is allowed to answer for anyone else. If someone doesn't answer after the name has been called a couple of times, you may tell the person taking roll that diver is still in the water or in the head. That diver is not checked off until the diver is in a position to answer for themselves with visual confirmation from the person taking roll.

Rolls are taken in that fashion at the dock and before moving the boat after every dive.
With a fair amount of experience in this area, I feel relatively qualified to answer to this one. Folks die on boats. Divers will continue to show up at the dive boat out of shape, and with a far higher opinion of their skills and general health than they should have. Ask the average diver to give you their opinion of their general diving skills, and 90% of them will tell you that they are above average. Ask any 45-55 year old sedentary white male how their health is, they will tell you it is fine, and that their doctor will give them a pass. It isn't the older gentlemen like DandyDon (who has dived with me in the past, so I know of what I speak) who are at risk, they know their limitations, they know their general health, because they had a health scare in the past few years, so they know how to take care of themselves. The scary ones are guys like me, 46 years old, still bulletproof from youth, overweight, high cholesterol, not so active as a 24 year old (when was the last time I played a full game of soccer), but don't notice their declining health, well, because we can still lift 300 lbs and chase the dog, right?

And they are in good health for scuba diving. Right up until anything goes wrong. 5 dives per day, no sweat. Until the one where you get away from the boat, and you try like hell to get back because you don't want to take the perceived "dinghy ride of shame". The current is kicking your butt, you won't get in the dinghy even when we send it for you, and that cholesterol clot breaks free and now we all have a real problem on our hands.

You've gone from being a participant to being a hell of a liability. You can't help me get you in the boat, once we get you in the boat, you can't help me get you on the big boat, you can't breath for yourself, and you can't deliver oxygen to your cells. We have to do everything for you, and you're leaking nasty bodily fluids out of every orifice, and I don't know where you've been. I can help you breath, but i can't circulate your blood while you're in the water. So it's going to be until I get you back to the big boat before I can oxygenate your cells, and that might be too long. Oh, I have to rescue your 24 lb weightbelt and all of your other gear too, because I'm going to get sued because you think you're still in shape, and so do your surviving heirs, and they can't figure out why I wasn't able to save your chubby ass. So I have to ensure all of your gear makes it back to the boat so I can prove that you ran out of air, or that I didn't give you bad air, or your regulator failed, or didn't fail, or .... you get the picture, so your revival will be delayed until I can recover your gear, too.

Now, when you die on my boat, or try very hard to die, I won't panic. You're dead, but I have 29 other folks to worry about. So, while I am trying to be a miracle worker and breath life back into you, someone better be doing a welfare check (that's what we call a roll call), the other captain is firing up, we need to recover the dinghy and divemaster, all the other divers, pick up weights, ladders, notify the coast guard, activate EMS, breakout and print a copy of the Diving Accident Management Plan, call the insurance company (you'd better believe it, I want my lawyer notified long before I hit the dock), and ensure that every piece of first aid equipment is on scene before we leave the site.

I'm going to have to do CPR on you for the 8 hours it takes to get to the dock, unless I can turn you over to a faster boat, helicopter, or I have a doc on board who will declare you dead, or you start breathing on your own. We are 2 for 4 for revival, by the way. That's actually a pretty good record. Meanwhile, half of the other passengers are freaked out and barely above catatonic, and the other half are in the CPR rotation. Each person can do CPR for about 5 minutes before they are totally wasted, so we tend to switch out after 10 breath cycles, or about 300 compressions. Still, we're a pretty ragged bunch by the time we get to the dock.

The moral of the story is, we aren't going to change the way divers report their skills or health. Divers will die on boats, trips, and in the water. Operators MUST learn that panic only gets others hurt, and the only way to treat the casualty is methodically, following whatever casualty procedures your operation has written up beforehand to control the situation. Don't have casualty procedures? You aren't doing what it takes to keep people safe as best you can. You are negligent, in the words of opposing council. Didn't follow your procedures? You are grossly negligent. Left a diver behind who died because you panicked? Woe be unto you.

In a previous life, I operated nuclear reactors for the U. S. Navy. We got drilled over and over about how to combat a casualty. We drilled weekly, were evaluated in out drill performance monthly, and were inspected by Naval Reactors cyclically. I can't remember what the cycle was. Drills can imitate real life, but when stuff breaks, and casualties happen for real, it never goes like the drill did. I used to tell the students I taught to stop, think, then act (sound familiar?). If they just couldn't figure out what to do, or couldn't remember the proper steps, go get the book. Following established procedures will never get you in trouble, because you can always blame the guy that wrote the book. Causing a second casualty because you didn't think it through will hang you every time.

Sorry for the long rant.
Thanks for the truth. I have not dived since October. I am working out in the gym, swimming, and plan on having my yearly physical before I start the summer dive season. I have recently started back diving after a 25 year hiatus. There are many out of shaped divers with Platnium Credit cards and they think that they know everything. I believe this problem will only get worse over the coming years as the baby boomers fight not to give up their diving. For what its worth, I met you at a CHUM meeting several years ago and have not dived the Spree yet but hope to one day. Everything I have heard of your operation is that of complete professionalism. Look forward to diving with you one day.
With a fair amount of experience in this area, I feel relatively qualified to answer to this one..............

One of the most down to earth, best threads I've read in a long time. Perfectly said, Thanks Wookie!!!
Wholeheartedly agree. GREAT post, Capt Frank... sticky worthy to me. Thank you again.

I'd like to go back a moment please. My point in what I mentioned was that people don't self check due to all the same reasons Capt Frank pointed out. It had never occurred to me to do so since my above ground health seemed fine. But I'm 51 and after two 50-something year old heart attacks in the Galapagos in two months last year, I went to a cardiologist for the first time in my life. My point about a stress test/cardiology exam, etc being obligatory for a diver (post _ years old with individual factors determining the age) to submit before obtaining insurance was not to pass the buck to the medical system so much as the most efficient incentive to get checked out I could think of...thus the comment I ended with..."I would imagine many dive without ever self-checking."

Like confirming your level of experience on a cruise application, health status is on the honor system, too...if the operator even asks medical questions. Not all do, but you're probably not going to be able to dive a live-aboard without insurance. The risk must be very low for underwriters since it's so easy to complete an application online and obtain insurance quickly...and again, on the honor system. Is this the reason it's so easy to get?

In the recent thread about the Galapagos death, there was a lot of attention focused on how to make diving safer down here, a topic that always has my rapt attention anyway. Only 8 hours to help? We should be so lucky. I think there are quite a few ways to improve safety measures 'in my back yard', but I will never stop looking for improvements. And I'm not sure any operation down here is without a fatality, albeit at least one I can think of is limited to heart attack fatalities. I also think that, as a rule, divers do not want to be patronized nor do they want babysitters...whether they need them or not. Now while that spirit is something I love about divers as a community stereotype, I'm not talking about the context of having fun hanging out or diving together. The context is operational safety.

So, (like most women - ;)), just looking for the best way to keep 'em honest. Seriously, I read about, what to me, is an alarming number of diver fatalities due to heart attack. Without knowing more about this man, 43 seems young. So what more can be done to motivate individual responsibility and hopefully minimize this specific statistic? Is there something...long before the trip begins, I mean.
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Great post, Capt Frank - I'd dive with you any day!

Related to this: here in France, you have to get an annual medical certificate from a specialised dive doctor. I had to see mine last week for something else and as always, we started talking about diving (the doc is a diver, too). He asked when my next dive trip was and I said I was looking at the Bahamas in late June.

The doc looked at me and shook his head and said, "Madame, you'd better get preparing now. You're still carrying too much weight and you need to be in better shape. I wouldn't give you the diving certificate today." :shakehead:

What a wake-up call! OK, Stairmaster, here I come!

Maybe, maybe not. Head counts often count people twice. The only thing they are good for is as an indication that it's time to start the roll call.
Not to mention that on a busy dive site you may actually confuse boats and then you end up with a diver from another boat, another boat end up with that diver missing and the one in trouble is the one you should be looking for. By the time youve figured out that you left with the wrong diver it may already be too late..
And roll calls suck, as some people will answer for others - thinking they're below deck when they are below water.

We call names and someone on the crew needs to hear/see each individual answer.

Hell, captain has been known to give us grief for not calling our OWN names out loud!

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