Let me check... Nope, not a girl. But I am married to one who dives and I teach a lot of women divers. My experience suggests that women love the steel HP 80s because they are shorter. The AL80's, if you're under about 5'5" tend to be too long. The steel HP 80's give you a lot of time underwater, are neg buoyant (great for loosing some of the weights you normally use) and should survive into the next ice age - if you take care of them.
Have a question for YOU now...
Why do you want to buy tanks? Looking at the cost ($225+ for steel) and compairing it to local rentals ($5), you would have to do a lot of diving to offset the expence I would think.
Just outlining an alternative thought... don't want to start a firestorm!
Have a question for YOU now...
Why do you want to buy tanks? Looking at the cost ($225+ for steel) and compairing it to local rentals ($5), you would have to do a lot of diving to offset the expence I would think.
Just outlining an alternative thought... don't want to start a firestorm!