Over the weekend I was diving in a familiar, shallow quarry (max depth 25ft). I was wearing my hood. I was in the middle of adjusting my hood, and had flooded one side of it and had smoothed it back out, when my buddy signaled that he wanted to end the dive. I was fine with that, as we had been in the water about 45 minutes. We were only down about 20ft when we started ascending. At around 15ft I started feeling extremely dizzy, like I was spinning around inside one of those hamster balls. I felt as though my head was moving really fast in different directions. I knew that my body wasn't, though. I knew I was finning very slow, and was still going in the same direction as I started. I kept breathing normal while remaining calm and I realized I seriously did not know which direction was up and which was down. I tried to look at the bubbles to see which way they were going, and I could not focus on them. I could not tell which way they were going! It was very surreal, and something I will never forget. It was a bit scary, but I knew my buddy was right there, and I grabbed lightly onto his arm. I couldn't even focus to look in his eyes. When we surfaced, I had to ask him to inflate my BC because I wasn't able to find my inflator. It only took seconds to recover and I felt normal instantly. Like when you're in a deep sleep and then someone wakes you up and it takes a second to realize what is going on.
Was this alternobaric vertigo? Was it because I only flooded one side of my hood before ascending? Has this ever happened to any of you guys?
Was this alternobaric vertigo? Was it because I only flooded one side of my hood before ascending? Has this ever happened to any of you guys?