Alternative Wing for my JJ

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Hi, I bought my JJ second hand and the old owner had broken his original bag (he showed it to me and it had holes in it), he put in a normal twinset bag that had holes similar to the original one, but honestly I don't feel comfortable with it because it's too big compared to the JJ, so behind my head I have a piece of the gav that is a bit annoying.

I've seen DTD gavs for a good price, do you have any recommendations?
Whereabouts are you? I've got a spare original JJ wing I'd sell you, but I'm UK based. If you want an original one, might be worth a look at the GUE crowd who probably have converted them, and so have the originals spare.
Tecline CCR one is supposed to be decent.

I have been using the Tecline CCR one for about 3 years now and am very happy with it. I have several friends that use it as well and are all very happy with it too. The Tecline one is nice also because it has all the same "attachments" as the stock JJ one. Like the little Velcro holders for the SPG's, the little holder for the CL dump ball, etc.

Also I have many friends that have the Halcyon CCR wing and I have never heard a complaint about that one either. My regular dive buddy dives the Halcyon one on a JJ and the only thing he says that is a little different is when your in trim it kind of acts a little bit like a horseshoe wing, so you can trap more gas on one side if you want. Which is actually kind of nice especially if you carry light trimix B/O on one side and heavy O2 and deco gas on the other.

But I also have other friends that have been diving tear-aid repaired wings and CL's for years with no issues.
I have an 'old' Halcyon Evolve 40 on mine currently. Custom colors yay cool. Fits fine for standard mfg config.

You can (should) easily cut/melt slits in the nylon for hose routing, and sew on a pull cord loop for the counterlung dump, on any standard 'twinset tec' wing.

You don't need the 60 wing or the 'GUE CCR' wing unless you're diving the heavier configs.

Wing should be mostly empty if you are diving properly weighted, though it gets more interesting with 3+ bailouts
I just gonna echo above comments. Tecline CCR much more comfortable and has better lift when compared to stock JJ wing. Highly recommended.

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