It's going to depend on your instructor,
you should go over your options with him. When I took AN/DP the options were to
use either manifolded doubles or a larger single tank with an H-valve.
My instructor mentioned that TDI allows some latitude in equipment selection for their instructors. So your instructor may have different preferences than mine did.
AN/DP covers one deco gas....a 40cu. ft. tank is typical, and is what we bought.
My instructor did our course with 2 deco tanks ( two 40 cu. ft. tanks).
I have no idea if this course is taught with independent back mounted doubles or not.....again, it would depend on your instructor.
For the purposes of this training, I don't see any advantages to doing it with a single tank and an H-valve. If your buddies are diving
manifold doubles (or side mount), then you should consider doing it in doubles as well.....just my opinion. I've heard it mentioned before that some divers go with the big single/H-valve setup due to cost.....if that's driving your decision (not saying it is).....then just keep saving up and budgeting for a set of
I got with my instructor a little over a year before I took the class.
I spent that time getting all the gear together for my wife and I........I KNOW it's expensive, but you'll be glad you took the time getting everything together.
Your buddies are diving doubles, correct?
If you
are looking to do your training and
diving in a single tank/H-valve for back gas, with a Stage bottle AND a deco tank......It doesn't matter what any of us say....the equipment configuration options (
manifold doubles, independent doubles,
or sidemount) are certainly up to your instructor also.
Discuss your options and the pros and cons of each with your instructor, and go from there.
Consider what
your dive
team is doing.
**With your dive team in seems your two choices are manifold doubles vs. sidemount.
Have fun in the class.