Alright NFL guys....this is what we want!!!

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LOL- I heard the song before, my hamster brain didn't make the connection until you mentioned it.

Last night we all got treated to seeing what happens when a team only has one "go to guy", and no deep threat.

If on every clutch play they're going to give the ball to Curtis Martin, it obviously didn't take long for the Redskins D to figure that one out :fury:

I have a feeling the Jets are going to be making a lot of defenses look good this year.........
mofosaurus once bubbled...
One question for Daniel Snyder, Danny, whats up with a tie at a football game? At least loosen your collar.

I don't think I've ever seen Daniel Snyder wear anything but a coat and tie anywhere.
He is a good football coach! Good coaches are NEVER, EVER happy. The team could be up 70-0 and it is the coaches job to find the mistakes that need to be corrected for the next game.

In college, U of M won their game 50-3 today and all Lloyd Carr could comment on was the ineffectiveness of his passing game and how lucky his team was that the defense bailed them out.

In hockey, Scotty Bowman chewed ice cubes even when the Red Wings were blowing out opponents. The only time I saw him happy was the last game that he coached when he brought out his family to carry the cup.

Remember the attitude of Barry Sanders (and more players in the NFL would do well to remember this). His attitude was that there was NOTHING to celebrate on any play unless it was the last play to win the Super Bowl This is why he never got in a players face or made a big deal out of a score. He just did his job. Unfortunately his team and management let him down and he never got to that Superbowl, but at least he will always be remembered for being a class player.

Oh, BTW, the next time Mr. "I play when I want to play" (Randy Moss) decides not to run a decoy route or drops a pass because it is beneath him, we would like to see the coach sit his butt on the bench for a quarter or so to remind him that until he improves his work ethic in a game, he is not a great receiver (just a potential great receiver).
diverbrian once bubbled...

Remember the attitude of Barry Sanders (and more players in the NFL would do well to remember this). His attitude was that there was NOTHING to celebrate on any play unless it was the last play to win the Super Bowl

Oh, BTW, the next time Mr. "I play when I want to play" (Randy Moss) decides not to run a decoy route or drops a pass because it is beneath him, we would like to see the coach sit his butt on the bench for a quarter or so to remind him that until he improves his work ethic in a game, he is not a great receiver (just a potential great receiver).

Barry Sanders just simply hated playing for the Lions. That is why he had a bad attitude. The same thing is for Corey Dillon right now with the Bengals. I'll be happy to see his bad attitude leave when his contract is up. He may get 1000 yds but his attitude brings the team down.

Randy Moss....His new thug coach is about worthless. That's all I'll say about that.
Barry had a pretty good attitude. He was just a private person who wanted to do his job and go home. You notice that he didn't stay in the game just to break Jim Brown's record. He didn't believe in records, his teammates did.

His attitude was just workmanlike. He learned from his family that he did a job and that is all that there was to it. Don't brag or boast when you do well and it is hard to take on yourself when you get stuffed for a two yard loss! Besides, nobody ever had prettier runs for a three yard or less gain. I also thought that it was pretty classy of him to just hand off the ball to the ref at the end of a running play if he had an eighty yard run for a game winning TD or a five yard loss.

The only thing that he did to really get underneath Lions fans skins was to retire the way that he did and not give the Lions a chance to find a replacement back that season. But then again, that was pure Barry as well. He never did like publicity.

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