Ok, I missed the Florida part. Up here, 10-12 pounds would be underweighted for most divers (something about more exposure protection needed). I myself don't like weight belts. If I need weight, I use the DUI weight harness (ie. Weight and Trim system). I don't like pulling weights in and out of my recreational BC (which has only seen pool use when assisting with classes this year) due to the fact that I don't completely trust that velcro to begin with.
All good advice, but you should be able to turn that belt around from any position if you plan to use one. If I were you, practice in the pool or shallow water would be in order. Also, as everybody has said 500 psi on the surface is a whole bunch of gas. Don't be afraid to use it. Personally, I am breathing from my reg until I am safely on the boat. Breathing gas tastes a whole lot better than diesel fumes

and if I fall backward, I am still a diver and not an overburdened swimmer still in need of rescue (the reason that my fins stay looped on my wrists when climbing the ladder).
As an added reminder, a few dollars in lead is not worth your life. If you must ditch it for any reason at the surface, DO IT! Most incidents happen on the surface and a surprising majority involve divers who did not dump their weight.