Almost made it to the Darwin list

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I have been a member of this forum for a while now, im fairly new to scuba diving although I ve been freediving/spearfishing since I was young. I do feel I should share my experience on what probably would have been the stupidest accident ever.

The following happened to me during my last dive of OW training.
All my dives were on the same beach and all involved walking up to a flat rock which was pretty level with the water and diving in/out from there. the first 2 dives were on really calm seas. On the thrid dive the sea was rough plenty of waves/surf. upon exiting the 3rd dive I saw my DM do something really cool. He let the surf take him to the rock, he pulled his legs up and sort of jumped up on the rock. when the surf retreated he was standing on the rock.... Glorious. I thought I'ld do the same and did so successfully. Strong surf got me to the rock, I pull my feet up, when surf left I was standing there, pretty cool. On the 4th dive seas were even rougher and the dive was pretty bad since low vis and current. I couldnt wait to get out of the water. upon exiting the dive I saw my DM do the same cool trick so not to be outdone, I copied.

this time though things didnt went to plan. i got up to the rock alright but the exiting surf draged my feet back in the water.that had as an immediate effect of slamming my head/hips/elbows/knees and anything else that stuck out on the rock. needless to say I was in sheer agony but that was the least of my problems. soon realised that reg wasnt in my mouth and I was one fin short. Chocked and caughed a bit. Mind went to overdrive (thankfully didnt panic, I was probably too embarassed to allow myself to panic) and was ready to dump weights but to my rescue came the next surf which took me again close to the rock and I got hold of DMs hand who pulled me out like a pile of dead weight.

moral... dont copy other peoples actions..... aerobatics have no place at sea.

I hope that my story will help people avoid doing the same mistake I did.
Reminds me of something my last instructor said.

"Most accidents happen on entry and exit."

I find that I am most vulnerable on exit - the dive is over, my attention is on other things. I now keep my reg in my mouth if there is any possibilty of falling back into the water no matter how remote. Just becomes a habit - mask can come off, but reg stays in. I can deal with just about anything with no mask, but no air is a little trickier:wink:
Rock landings are something that needs practice. I practiced them a ton in Monterrey in the mid-70s, mostly with just snorkeling gear on. One eventually gets pretty good at them.
Billy Crystal, in his character "Fernando" (an old Saturday Night Live bit), used to say "It is better to look good than to feel good":crafty: ...sometimes we have to make sacrifices to look cool, just so long as it doesn't kill someone. Along the same line:

You know you're a redneck when... you have at least one relative who died after yelling "hey everybody, watch this!" (Jeff Foxworthy):D

You survived to dive another day; like flying, diving is a pass/fail course.
Along the same line:

You know you're a redneck when... you have at least one relative who died after yelling "hey everybody, watch this!" (Jeff Foxworthy):D

Umm....actually Shakey, my cousin went that way and resent what you're inferring by quoting Mr. Foxworthy:no (hee hee)

BUT, I digress...ctsibos, stories like this are wonderful because if you have a sense of humor you are able to laugh at them someday. And they make great stories for the g-children. If you survive the experience, that is:D
hey al least you did it once succesfully!

But seriously, I always try an avoid these types of far as I am concerned there are enough non-messing around ways for me to die/get hurt diving....I don't need to up the odds against myself anymore!

Glad you are ok...
ctsibos . . .
. . . a hearty "Welcome" to the ScubaBoard.

Well, I'm happy to hear that you aren't too much worse for wear.

I guess I need not belabor the point that surf and rocks don't mix for divers.

Most people are very unaware of the dynamics that occur in the surf in the presence of rock outcroppings.

One can get very hurt very quickly.

Want to hear some good stories about water and rocks, chat with one of our advisors, OE2X, about what it's like to flush through a class 5 whitewater rapid without benefit of kayak!!!

Glad you made it out.

Safe dives . . . . . .
. . . safer ascents !

the K

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