Alison, Emerald Dolphin Dive...recent experiences?

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I'm not really sure from Alison's site or any comments I've read doing a search is she caters to teaching and beginners, or if she'd be an ok choice for experienced divers. Anyone use her recently and can you shed some light?

Some also recommended EDD, so I checked out their site. Don't hear them mentioned much, but I've contacted them too. If anyone has used them can you tell me some more details. The site doesn't really say much. No prices listed, not dive times, etc.

I did try Blue XT but not available. Liquid Blue is, but I'm just checking my options. They are a bit expensive and although I don't skimp on dive trips, I just want to have a few options before committing to anything.

Last, I take it most of you are apposed to the hotel on-site ops like Dive House. Their site is down so I can't even see their boats right now. Anyone have a good experience or non-cattleboat with them? They would be very convenient but we are more used to smaller groups of divers.

Having never been to Cozumel, the planning of who to use is giving me a headache! Amazing that there are so many choices on one island, and that so many people don't like the on-site operators.
I did try Blue XT but not available.
The reason is Christi's operation is well run and provides excellent customer service. Have you asked her for a recommendation for an alternate operation?
Liquid Blue is, but I'm just checking my options. They are a bit expensive and although I don't skimp on dive trips, I just want to have a few options before committing to anything.
Yes, they are more money and it is up to the individual to decide if they are worth a premium price. I dove with them in December. Roberto is an excellent DM and guide. They do have those large 100 & 120 tanks. The tanks are HP, not LP like it says on their website. It still means lots more breathing gas. You don't say if you are looking for an OP geared toward advanced dives, but if you are, Liquid Blue is what you are looking for.
Last, I take it most of you are apposed to the hotel on-site ops like Dive House. Their site is down so I can't even see their boats right now. Anyone have a good experience or non-cattleboat with them? They would be very convenient but we are more used to smaller groups of divers.
The Divehouse website has been "Under construction" since at least last May when I started planning my December. I did stay at Fiesta Americana, but I didn't dive with them. They have both large and small boats, so you have the chance of a large boat experience. I have read decent things about them, and if you are a beginning diver, or someone who is looking for an easy, no hassle time, they might work for you.

Amazing that there are so many choices on one island, and that so many people don't like the on-site operators.
Yes, there are a lot of choices for operators. I don't think that there are a lot of people that don't like the all the on-site operators. There are a few op's that many don't like, but for the most part, I think that people suggest off site op's just to give an alternative to the on-site . Perhaps the thought is that if you stay at a resort with an on-site op, that you have to use them, which isn't true. For example, Blue Angel is the on-site operator for Caribe Blue, but they will also pickup from the resorts to the south and they get recommendations from people here.
Thanks for the reply, diveborg. Christi recommended Liquid Blue, whom I have been in touch with. With so many operators I'm trying to get a feel for what the options are and what the real differences are. Blue XT Sea and Liquid Blue sound like fine operations with great service. With so many shops on Coz I'm sure there are many other fine choices too. Not everyone can be using just these 2 or there would be very few divers on the island at a time... Doesn't have to be 6 pack, but we don't like being on a boat with 20+ (ie. the FL Keys taxi to the reef). We're experienced divers. We also do photo and video. Small boat and rough water is not a big deal for us. We've been spoiled and I'm not crazy about 45 min - 1 hr to get to a dive site on any type of boat.

We're spending 4 days at our usual condo in Akumal, then heading over to Coz for 4 days. If this trip was a week I'd probably try 2 different operators to get a feel for what's offered. Dive House would be the easiest option for a this short trip, but that may not be the best choice, don't know yet. Alison was mentioned to me, and seems like she's been in Coz for a long time. Her site doesn't tell me all that much and I get the feeling that she may be more for beginners or certification students? If that's the case, then I'd pass.

I've already heard plenty about Christi and Liquid Blue. I'm looking for other options. We may go with LB and I'm confident we wouldn't regret it one bit, but, before I do that I'd like to know what else is out there.
I already told you about Liquid Blue, they always get my vote. More expensive, but they offer the steel tanks which will give you about 25 to 30% more bottom time.

I will also recommend Blue Angel. They do cater to all levels and typiclly have a dedicated advanced boat. Excellent divemasters and a nice staff topside as well.

Alison also runs a nice operation. Like me, she is very involved with the operation and actually dives alot as well. She has a loyal following that tends to be very family oriented and she in fact does alot of certifications as well. I honestly am not sure if she caters to more advanced groups or if she does the more advanced sites, that would be a question for her. She worked with Dive Palancar for several years prior to going off on her own, so many of her clients followed her from there. Dive Palancar is a resort operation and is very conservative. Anyway, I have always heard very positive things about Alison and her operation.

Any of these operations are very good, it's just a matter of finding your match. I hope that next time I will be able to accommodate you and you'll be willing to give us another shot.

Have a great time. I'll be happy to answer any other specific questions if you have them...just shoot me an e-mail if you don't want to post them on the board.

Bruce, thank you. That actually made me blush :blush:
Thanks Christi. Your info has been very helpful. Alison doesn't sound like a good fit, and Liquid Blue so far seems to be a better match for us. We really are quite laid back and undemanding. Cozumel is just a very different set up then other places we've been. I'm probably overthinking and have made it more difficult then it needs to be.
I guess that I can't tell from your note where you are staying. That can help a lot with decisions. I don't know if having larger steel tanks should matter either. I usually come up cuz I'am cold or bored. If someone in your group goes throught the air it could matter. Larger boat doesn't necessarily mean cattle boats. A thirty foot cruiser with 8 divers can be a lot more fun then a 22 foot open boat with 8 divers. But it does mean protection from the wind and spray and a bathroom. Thats a big deal on a 1 hour boat ride, but no big deal on a 15 minute trip. Also the captain might be ten foot higher in rough seas looking for you.

good luck , don O
If I may add my 2 cents worth....

I dove with Alison in early Sept. and have become one of those loyal followers. Her operation is very laid back (although she can be a tad hyper if she has too much coffee in the morning j/k) and she goes well out of her way to suit everyones diving needs. From what I can tell, she dives most if not all of the time and is very good at keeping an eye on you while still letting you dive your dive.

A couple of things that impressed me the most were:

1. She personally does a pre-dive safety check on ALL divers before they roll in. I am talking about more than just "air on, off you go". There was even a gentleman that had done something like 250 + dives with her and she still checked him out everytime.

2. The 700 psi rule was actually used. I have dove with a lot of ops that say "700 psi and up" but call the dive early. Every dive I did, I got to stay down till I more or less got tired or cold. On avg., that was about 75 mins. coming up with atleast 1000psi. Not once was I made to come up early. I am good on air and she let me exploit that trait.

3. When those on the boat wanted to do the Devils Throat and I was a tad uneasy about it, she got another DM to join us so I wouldn't have to do anything I didn't want to while still letting those that did go thru it. One group went in, one group stayed out.

3. Slow and easy actually meant slow and easy. There have been times when I just about gave up and called a dive because the DM's took off and left us in their wake. With her, we got to look around, stop and peek in the crevices and take a pic if we wanted to.

Of course, there are drawbacks too. If you are a type A person that needs a strict schedule, she is not for you. You leave the marina when everyone gets there (not immediately at 8:00 on the dot) and you get back when ever you get back. Depending on the dive and the needed SI, it might be 12:30 or 1:00 or 2:00 or when ever.

So, I will probably dive with her again because she was a great fit for my style of diving. Hope that helps.
I have dived with both Alison and with Dive House. My dives with Alison were by myself and were excellent dives for expereienced divers (sort of depends on who else is diving that day and their experience, but that will be true anywhere that you are not going to fill up the boat with y our own people).

I went with Dive House when I had my kids (recently certified) with me and they were excellent for that operation. We were staying at Fiesta Americana and so it was nice using the on-site dive op for the convenience.

I would recommend either operation.

Rich Hagelin

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