Alabama State Pier Pics/ Whiskey Wreck area / Bahama Bobs / Down Under Dive Shop

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Reaction score
Tallahassee, FL
# of dives
500 - 999
Bahama Bob's looks like they are shooting for reopening in March.

Down Under Dive Shop(Gulf Shores, AL) is shooting for a March 1st re-opening date according to their sign.

^^ You can find some pics of the State Pier, taken from the road while I was in the car - so they aren't that good - should make for an interesting dive though :) Especially when they start getting some growth on them.

You can also find pics from above the surface in the area the Whiskey Wreck is located.

Water is looking good and its pretty calm, I tried to round up a buddy to dive this afternoon but couldn't pull it off :( I want to get back down there to see if the wreck is uncovered.
The state pier will be taken down for a new one to be built. I think they will use the scrap for a reef. Went to 3 mile barge today vis 35-40'. but 4-5 foot seas.
Thanks for the report, I'm glad the silt has started settling inshore from Ivan.

It sucks they are pulling the pier down, I guess I need to get out there before they do :) Dive a site that won't exist for too much longer.

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