Selling my AL80 cylinder, and AL40s deco cylinders. Prefer to sell local (Austin, TX).
AL80, green finish:
Luxfer S80, born on date of 03/00, fresh Hydro (10/13), VIP, and full of air. Valve is aThermo Pro-K. Asking price is $100.
AL40, brush finish:
XS Scuba (Worthington) AL40, born on date of 04/11, fresh VIP, Oxygen Cleaned, and full of air. This was my 50% deco stage. Includes Thermo Pro-K Valve, SS DIN plug, stage rigging, and EPDM hose retainer bands. Asking price is $130.
Al40, white finish:
Catalina AL40, born on date of 03/11, fresh VIP, and Full of Oxygen (Oxygen Cleaned,) Includes Blue Steel Valve, SS DIN plug, stage rigging, Oxygen 20ft. MOD stickers x2, and EPDM hose retainer bands. Asking price is $150.

AL80, green finish:
Luxfer S80, born on date of 03/00, fresh Hydro (10/13), VIP, and full of air. Valve is aThermo Pro-K. Asking price is $100.
AL40, brush finish:
XS Scuba (Worthington) AL40, born on date of 04/11, fresh VIP, Oxygen Cleaned, and full of air. This was my 50% deco stage. Includes Thermo Pro-K Valve, SS DIN plug, stage rigging, and EPDM hose retainer bands. Asking price is $130.
Al40, white finish:
Catalina AL40, born on date of 03/11, fresh VIP, and Full of Oxygen (Oxygen Cleaned,) Includes Blue Steel Valve, SS DIN plug, stage rigging, Oxygen 20ft. MOD stickers x2, and EPDM hose retainer bands. Asking price is $150.