Akumal MX 4/14-4/21 -- Suggested dives (+)

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Richmond. Texas - near Houston
We will be going to Akumal in a few days and I was wondering if there were any "special" or must see ocean dives there. We plan to go to the ceynotes for three dives, but I have not heard of any spectacular open water dives there. Any possible suggestions? Also, how about the minor detail of food? Thanks for your help. I am counting the hours already.
There's a site called Tortugas that's great for seeing, um, tortugas. Other than that, there's some OK reefs, but nothing that compares to Cozumel.

(I'll be in the area from 18th-25th)

Food is good. Eat some.
.......Akumal dive is El Canyons. Row after row of walls. It is a lot of fun peering over each wall and seeing what you can find. I saw the largest 'cuda there that I have ever seen. 6' long butat least 20" wide.

BTW, the coral and sponges are also in great shape.

Enjoy your trip.

Good Diving,

We will be going to Akumal in a few days and I was wondering if there were any "special" or must see ocean dives there. We plan to go to the ceynotes for three dives, but I have not heard of any spectacular open water dives there. Any possible suggestions? Also, how about the minor detail of food? Thanks for your help. I am counting the hours already.

...night dives at Yal Ku. There are a number of good dives there. The diving in Akumal is really mellow. That is to say relaxing. Not a lot of hype. No competition to get out to reefs. No strong current. Its nice.
The cenote diving is really great. Taj Mahal was my favorite because of the light beams piercing down through the darkness and through the water from the cavern ceiling. It also has great haloclines.
We are excited to go to Dos Ojos on this trip.
Eating? There are some great Comidas to be had. EL Cueva del Pescador, La Buena Vida, La Lunita. Check out www. locogringo.com click on Akumal and then do the ariel tour. From the air, you can click on restraunts and dive shops, etc. that look interesting. Have fun!!!! I know we will!!!!

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