Air travel events

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Martinez, GA
Tonight on one of the cable news channels I saw on the ticker tape at the bottom of the screen that airlines will possibly be stopping all carry on luggage. I did not see this message again nor hear any reports concerning this. Has anyone heard that this was going to happen? Or if it has happened yet? I know security is high, but I am afraid we are becoming overly reactive. Thoughts, comments and concerns of any other dive travelers.

Bottoms Up...Bubbles Up!!!!
Well I would have to agree to a point with you seaangel we are overreacting a bit. I do understand that it is done with the best of intentions but I have also heard that diabetics<sp> are no longer able to carry on their medically necesary needles to inject insulin should it be needed. Now I understand that they could be used as a weapon but so can just about anything else. Don't believe me talk to someone that has worked in a prison before and you could be surprised by the amount of damage that can be done to the human body with a pencil/pen,toothbrush ect. So seaangel i fear that if they are not going to allow a medical necessesity to pass security then carry on bags may be a thing of the past as well.
unfortunatly its the times we live in.
While listening to more news talk on FOX some of what they are saying makes so much sense. We do need the high security, and it seems we could take lessons from Israel's Al El airlines, they said that when you check your bags with them you know your bags are waiting for you when you get off. I think our greatest reason for carry on luggage in the U.S. is the fear of them being lost in transit. If airlines can safely transport my luggage, etc. and myself then I will feel very confident in air travel. I don't know the answer to this and how they can provide this well needed security. I just keep praying that the powers that be will find a way.

Just some of my thoughts on travel security.

It's a shame that the world we lived in 2 weeks ago yesterday is totally different than now! All because some un-educated religeous finatics feel that it is their place to hurt people in the name of their religion.

I don't care what anyone said, if my preacher came to me and said you must destroy in the name of God. I would have to give him the business end of my boot, because no God would want this in my opinion.

These people need education and the chance to live like real people in the 21st century instead of like Fred Flinstone minus the IQ's

Originally posted by syruss32
It's a shame that the world we lived in 2 weeks ago yesterday is totally different than now! All because some un-educated religeous finatics feel that it is their place to hurt people in the name of their religion.

I don't care what anyone said, if my preacher came to me and said you must destroy in the name of God. I would have to give him the business end of my boot, because no God would want this in my opinion.

These people need education and the chance to live like real people in the 21st century instead of like Fred Flinstone minus the IQ's

Well said.
Up here in Canada, the screening has been intensified I'm told. As for Insulin - they're saying to carry a med certificate indicating the requirement for shots.
Just imagine a world of peace where religion is not a factor that causes war, where skin color does not cause hatred, where sexual preference (Which I personally have and I prefer to have MORE) is not treated like a crime...

What a wonderful world it would be! But back to reality divers are the best kind of people so we will just have to convert all the other 5.8 billion people into divers then the above will be true.

So if each person on this board (I think there are like 1000) could convert 5.8 million people we would be done in no time!

Or we could play the doubling game lets see if we each convert one, and then the newly converted and us convert one... lets see

1,000 > 2,000
2,000 > 4,000
4,000 > 8,000
8,000 > 16,000
16,000 > 32,000
32,000 > 64,000
64,000 > 128,000
128,000 > 256,000
256,000 > 512,000
512,000 > 1,024,000
1,024,000 > 2,048,000
2,048,000 > 4,096,000
4,096,000 > 8,192,000
8,192,000 > 16,384,000
16,384,000 > 32,768,000
32,768,000 > 65,536,000
65,536,000 > 131,072,000
131,072,000 > 262,144,000
262,144,000 > 524,288,000
524,288,000 > 1,048,576,000
1,048,576,000 > 2,097,152,000
2,097,152,000 > 4,194,304,000
4,194,304,000 > 8,388,608,000

So if classes take one week and lets say a week to do the checkout dives, so 2 weeks to conversion we should have the who world converted in 45 weeks.

We are going to need more dive shops and instructors!

Wow think of the Size of NDI when we are done! We'll be the world! KN & LD will rule the world!

I just got back from my trip to Hawaii.

We flew out of LAX and I was allowed to carry on 1 bag which had my reg in it along with some other personal items. I did not pack my dive knife even in my check in luggage so as not to cause any problems.

we flew to Oahu and then from Oahu to Maui, no problems other than a little longer time needed for check in.

When we left Maui, I inadvertently packed my nail clipper (that has about a 1 inch file on it) in my backpack carry on bag. They stopped me and told me to remove the file from the clipper, I promptly told them to just keep the clipper it wasn't worth the hastles of breaking off the file. Duh, on my part. I don't know why I put the clipper in that bag.

All in all, no problems. Just have a little patience and understanding. I know we felt felt more relaxed knowing the extra scrutiny taking place.

See my dive report under Pacific Islands section for info of our dives.

We will be leaving on 10-27 for Freeport Grand Bahama.
We bought a Pelican case for our gear. This way we don't have to worry about how it is handled, and can pack our regs and computers in it.Our last trip the only things we had in our carry-on was regs, computers and cameras. This time we won't need a carry-on. It'll be easier clearing security checks without one.
We asked about dive knives. They said to declare them when we check our bags, and that it was okay as long as it was in checked bags and not carry-on.


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