During a recent Cozumel trip, 4 dives/day except 2 the last day, I used EAN 32%. Cozumel diving has a reputation for leaning toward the deep side (though that wasn't my experience; yeah, it's not shallow, but I didn't find it averaging unusually deep). That said, drift diving it's been recommended to me to try to be roughly level with the guide so the current velocity is the same (I didn't always do that, live & learn), so helicoptering isn't quite as convenient an option as no current diving. A fellow diver doing 4/day on air kept his average depths shallower, and advocated for shallower sites at times. With Tres Pelicanos, some of the deeper dives were at the Palancar sites, all 4 out of our 26 dives were 1st dive of the day. Some people dive a mix of nitrox & air; if I were hedging my bets, I might make nitrox my 1st tank of the day.
In St. Croix, doing 4 dives/day, I dove air to save money, but kept an eye on my 4th dive NDL; never cut me short, but got close enough to bear watching depth that 4th dive.
In Key Largo, 4 dives/day, dove air because that was all I could get (2013) with 100-cf tanks, most of the dives were shallow reef (& the deep wreck dive times were rather short), it wasn't a problem.
Live-aboards aiming for 5 dives/day, I pay the $100 uncharge for nitrox. Pretty cheap.
Bonaire aiming for 5 dives/day, EAN 32% nitrox was a free upgrade, so why not if not diving over 111 feet?