By kicking the habit it appears from this study if you have heart disease you will reduce you odds of dying from any cause by about thirty percent! Now that seems like a very strong incentive for one to quit.
I also read a study from Britain (BMJ) that looked at 'hard core' smokers over there defined as not having missed a day of smoking in the last five years, not having tried to quit in the last year, and who have no intention of quiting. Percentage of smokers in this category was 16%. Here in Canada about 25% of the population smokes so it looks like we might get that down to about 15% before doctors might be wasting their breath.
JAMA study
By kicking the habit it appears from this study if you have heart disease you will reduce you odds of dying from any cause by about thirty percent! Now that seems like a very strong incentive for one to quit.
I also read a study from Britain (BMJ) that looked at 'hard core' smokers over there defined as not having missed a day of smoking in the last five years, not having tried to quit in the last year, and who have no intention of quiting. Percentage of smokers in this category was 16%. Here in Canada about 25% of the population smokes so it looks like we might get that down to about 15% before doctors might be wasting their breath.
JAMA study