Aeris Savant info?

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Yes I have two of them (one for me one for my wife) ... we have about 45 dives on them in the past year and they are very suitable for our needs ... large display, handle Nitrox and are wrist mount. They are made I believe by PELAGIC systems and are edssentially the same computer as the Oceanic XTC-100 ... I do believe they are a discontinued model from AERIS so I can't say too much about the currency of the model. Be SURE you get one that has a serial number OVER 5000 because at that point in production they changed the 'chip' on the inside and have significantly more dive memory than units with earlier serial numbers ... I know because I had two that were earlier models and AERIS replaced them at no charge with the later models ..

If you can get one for around $200 it's a good buy in my opinion.
The Savant is the only computer I have used so I dont have much to compare it to. Other than having a little trouble finding batteries, I am very happy with mine and have used it on my last 20 dives or so. The one thing I dont like is that it does not record temp in the log mode.
I don't believe it's discontinued. There were a number of them on sale for $299 from a DEMA deal, if you can find one of those, that's the best deal I've heard of. They are made by Pelagic, and are very similar in workings to my Aeris Atmos Pro. I really like them. I haven't looked at the batteries, but my Atmos Pro uses batteries that are available at Wal mart and Radio Shack for a few dollars, as opposed to paying $14 for them at the LDS. You won't have a new O ring, but you don't need one. When the batteries crap out, they do it very abruptly. Mine have done so twice, once on the dock at Cozumel (I ran to a dive shop and bought more) and once on a boat in the middle of Lake Michigan (I had extras this time). I have also loaned or sold or given batteries to others whose batteries abruptly went off.

So I do recommend that Aeris and I do recommend carrying extra batteries.

I have an Aeris Atmos Pro and love it. It does seem to go through batteries pretty quick but they are easy to replace. I carry extras in my reg bag. I have a few friends that use the 300G and they are all very happy with them.

I like my Savant, it is a great dive computer at a good price. HOWEVER, I have bought the downloader and am having problems. I get an error message: "Invalid Data. Only dive data from AERIS SAVANT can be converted" after the download has finished. I have not received a reply to e-mail requests for help to Aeris, does anyone have any clues or maybe a later software version they would send me.

I love the Savant for recreational dives. I'll even use it in guage mode from time to time. good system for little money.
I posted reply to same query on D2D ... check the SERIAL NUMBER of the SAVANT you are trying to download ... the chipset was changed with serialnumber 5000 and above ... for those with LOWER serial number than 5000 the older downloader is required and works ... for those with serial number of 5000 or greater the NEW downloader is required ... AERIS or you dealer should be able to supply you with additional information but once I got a compatable download nest and software from AERIS ... all works fine ...

I too have had problems downloading with the Savant. Right after I bought the software, my computer was upgraded to Windows 2000. Apparently, the Savant download software does not work on systems higher than Windows 98, and according to the company, they have no plans on upgrading the software, since the Savant is discontinued. I'm currently trying to find someone to give me a used computer to use solely for downloading my dives.

I like the computer, but bad customer service from Aeris.

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